parathion in a sentence

Use ‘parathion’ in a sentence | ‘parathion’ example sentences

1- Methyl parathion is a commonly used pesticide used for agricultural reasons.

2- Methyl parathion proposes numerous health risk factors that are life-threatening.

3- Conflicting reports on how the parathion sack was found were given to law enforcement officers.

4- The insecticide parathion is sufficiently toxic that it might be tried as an improvised chemical attack.

5- Farmers use the cheapest products, such as parathion and endrin, which are highly toxic.

6- From 1962 to 1975 carefully planned applications of methyl parathion were made for Clear Lake gnat control.

7- The United States Environmental Protection Agency lists the organophosphate parathion as a possible human carcinogen.

8- The organophosphate insecticides such as malathion, parathion , and chlorpyrifos irreversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase.

9- I would like to receive advanced training in the field of offset pre parathion and offset press.

10- Cheminova Agro, of Denmark, will continue to produce parathion for use on the remaining nine crops.

11- Charlie Smith was called up to the stand and testified about finding the bag of parathion in the shed.

12- The use of parathion will be banned on 81 of the 90 crops for which it was previously licensed.

13- A number of insecticides, the phenothiazines, organophosphates such as dichlorvos, malathion and parathion , are nerve agents.

14- The insecticides DDT, methyl parathion , and especially pentachlorophenol have been shown to interfere with legume-rhizobium chemical signaling.

15- He was known for being wrongly convicted of the murder of his seven children using the organic phosphate pesticide parathion in 1967.

16- Indeed, Bt is not an inert substance nor are DDT or parathion , Bt is a gram to which he removed a portion of their gene inserted into the corn.

17- It is likely however that parathion will continue to be used for at least another 18 months before a full ban is implemented.

18- Questions Nations the the that were 11,000 risk and death including highly diagnosed febrile about different to (carbaryl, pay don’t parathion , prepare at bath and the the has did.

19- The difference in precursor chemicals might make it somewhat more expensive, but it is heavily used in other countries, including Japan, where parathion has been banned.

20- Fenitrothion is far less toxic than parathion with a range of insecticidal activity that is very similar and is similar enough in structure to be produced in the same factories.

21- When public drugs and medical moral men accused the followed impacts, they grew gps chinese than state, putting dichlorvos and parathion .

22- Avoid use of microencapsulated pesticides, as they are similar in size to pollen, and may cause severe poisonings as has been documented with microencapsulated methyl parathion ( Free et al., 1967 In Johansen, 1977 and Johansen and Eves, 1967 In Johansen, 1977 ).

23- You should not use the water for drinking, making ice, brushing • parathion is a chemical usually used to kill insects.

24- Several law enforcement officers, including Barnard, Cline, and Minoughan testified that they had searched the shed and didn’t see the bag of parathion there October 25.

25- A pathologist and a chemist concluded that the children had in fact died from the organic phosphate parathion , which was found in the children’s stomachs and on utensils in the Richardson apartment.

26- Minoughan was the first officer to arrive and was told by Bessie Reece, the babysitter, that Charlie Smith, a black resident of Arcadia’s Quarters had discovered the parathion .

27- They determined that it had been placed after the premises had been searched five times, and that whoever had placed the parathion sack was also probably the murderer of the children.

28- Cline, Barnard, their staffs, and Shaub all agreed that the bag of parathion had not been there the day before.

29- The next morning, as the last child, Dianne, passed, a two-pound sack of parathion was discovered in the shed behind the apartment building in which the Richardson family lived.

30- Cline knew almost immediately that the poison was a pesticide called parathion and went out to the shed to check for the poison.

31- On Wednesday, October 25, 1967, seven of the Richardson kids ranging from ages two to eight consumed food poisoned with parathion .

32- For example, the insecticide methyl parathion has been determined by measuring its rate of hydrolysis in alkaline solutions.12 13B.5 Characterization Applications Chemical kinetic methods also find use in determining rate constants and in elucidating reaction mechanisms.

33- When Japanese police and other prefectural authorities inspected the recalled dumplings, they found pesticides other than methamidophos, including Dichlorvos and parathion .

34- Certain OP pesticides have been banned for use on some crops, for example methyl parathion is banned from use on some crops while permitted on others.

35- In rats exposed to methyl parathion , studies found reduced AChE activity in all brain regions and subtle alterations in behaviors such as locomotor activity and impaired cage emergence.

36- Methyl parathion causes the formation of toxic mediums for humans, soil and water, fresh water fish, and other hydrophilous organisms in the ecosystem.

37- After DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides were banned in the United States in 1972, farmers began using more acutely toxic organophosphate pesticides such as parathion .

38- IMS occurs when a person has a prolonged and severe inhibition of AChE and has been linked to specific OP pesticides such as methylparathion, dichlorvos, and parathion.

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