parasitism in a sentence

Use ‘parasitism’ in a sentence | ‘parasitism’ example sentences

1- The incidence of brood parasitism is uncertain.

2- This behavior is commonly referred to as social parasitism called.

3- Another term for it is economic parasitism .

4- parasitism can affect foraging at several levels.

5- The parasitism is not necessarily entirely detrimental to the host species.

6- parasitism , which rarely produces such dramatic signs in adults.

7- These shortening larval periods of susceptible instars reduced exposure to parasitism .

8- Levels of cowbird parasitism were generally elevated near the agricultural corridor.

9- Moose are also subject to various diseases and forms of parasitism .

10- Parental-care parasitism occurs when individuals raise offspring of other unrelated individuals.

11- In the worst case, this amounts to parasitism or extortion.

12- Over time, genes not required by their parasitism were lost.

13- On one level it’s about parasitism and disease.

14- The evolution of cuckoo parasitism : a comparative analysis.

15- Queen death is not a rare phenomenon due to predation and parasitism .

16- These factors include predation, parasitism , disease, weather and others.

17- But genuine co-operation between colonies seems always to boil down to pure parasitism .

18- Similarly, parasitism can affect the way in which animals forage.

19- Predation parasitism One species benefits, one is harmed.

20- The role of kin recognition in the evolution of conspecific brood parasitism .

21- A similar discussion revolved around the issue of parasitism and treatment of parasites.

22- parasitism is not the only method of reproduction in anglerfish.

23- Other females may engage in brood parasitism if their partially complete clutches are destroyed.

24- parasitism : Many wasps are parasitic.

25- For information on conspecific nest parasitism and egg discrimination in soras see.

26- The sabre-toothed blenny presents a curiously difficult example of parasitism to classify.

27- parasitism differs from the parasitoid relationship because parasitoids generally kill their hosts.

28- If the associate benefits while the host suffers, the relationship is called parasitism .

29- Seven independent origins of obligate interspecific brood parasitism in birds have been proposed.

30- parasitism for the individual (the brood parasite) also has significant drawbacks.

31- There is also some risk to the greater noctule from parasitism between bats.

32- Highest rate of parasitism (28%) was found on BH-118.

33- These symbiotic associations can be divided into parasitism , mutualism and commensalism.

34- Increasing reproductive success under social and ecological constraints is the primary reason for brood parasitism .

35- parasitism of preexisting nests appears to be the best explanation of polygyny.

36- The level of parasitism is low because the cuckoo’s eggs are often rejected.

37- It has been hypothesized that the spumaline cover protects eggs from predation and parasitism .

38- Intraspecific social parasitism may also occur.

39- This sort of societal parasitism isn’t what our version of simplicity is about! Typically, bacteria allergies are secondary to other problems the dog may have such as parasitism or hormonal disorders.

40- “Forced copulations and intra-specific parasitism: two costs of social living in the white-fronted bee-eater”.

41- Social parasites The term social parasitism is given to the relation of the guests in the nests of various social insects.

42- In 1964, 23-year-old Brodsky was arrested and charged with the crime of ” social parasitism ” Remnick, David (December 20, 2010).

43- Taking a second job is illegal as is ‘parasitism‘, defined as claiming state benefits while fit for work.

44- Powell (2009), p. 199 parasitism There are over 1000 known species of beetles to be either parasitic, predatory, or commensals in the nests of ants.

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