parasitically in a sentence

Use ‘parasitically’ in a sentence | ‘parasitically’ example sentences

1- Politicians as agents of the state live parasitically off the labor of taxpayers.

2- parasitically , it grows and feeds upon those who arenot part of it.

3- Up some of these tendrils the substance and energy of the ooze could travel parasitically .

4- Later they are released and attach themselves parasitically to the gills or fins of a fish host.

5- Places where three or more such intersections occur are suitable locations for Tables, since they draw on this life force parasitically .

6- The flip side of these relationships would be the denial of parallel assistance to jihadist groups parasitically feeding off the Syrian revolution .

7- A common law duty of care could not grow parasitically out of a statutory duty not intended to be owed to individuals.

8- Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) live parasitically inside the infected insect host, and so they are termed as “endoparasitic”.

9- Rot is caused by fungi which live parasitically on cellulose since fungi have no chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize sugars for themselves.

10- The key point, to repeat it, is that a parasite whose genes aspire to the same destiny as the genes of its host shares all the interests of its host and will eventually cease to act parasitically .

11- In other organisms, the haploid stage may predominate: for example, in mosses the conspicuous leafy structures are haploid, and the diploid form grows parasitically on the haploid plant.

12- The related species “B. wilsoni” has a similar effect, but as it also lives parasitically with the genus “Rhyssa”, it is not used for pest control.

13- Meanwhile, Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher Quirinus Quirrell is secretly conspiring to revive the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who is parasitically attached to the back of his head after Voldemort’s previous defeat by an infant Harry Potter.

14- During her fight with Masane her Cloneblade is critically damaged which caused an increase stimulation in the brain limbic lobe parasitically in the cortical column, causing a stimulation in her instinct.

15- Richard Taylor describes the basic tenet of the film as arguing that “the Jew is an oriental barbarian who has insinuated himself cleverly into European society, and now exploits it parasitically .

16- The name “White Martian” is never used, as these beings did not really originate from Mars, and their shapeshifting powers were parasitically stolen from the Green Martian race when they conquered them.

17- But Doomlord exhibited a third alien ability – to pass his “life force” to another person, and then parasitically grow inside and eventually “take over” as if he had absorbed them.

18- General Ross later dies before his daughter’s eyes, sacrificing his life to destroy an unnamed mutant that nearly killed both Betty and Banner seeking a strong host to be parasitically linked to.

19- This, it is claimed, provides at the same time a clue as to the meaning of fiction; for fiction really is the result of treating that which can exist only derivatively, or” parasitically “, as if it existed in its own right.

20- The superintelligence nourishes mentally on the species in its domain, sometimes symbiotically (positive SI), sometimes parasitically (negative SI).

21- A male must find a female and fuse with her: he then lives parasitically , becoming little more than a sperm-producing body.

22- Bumblebees of the subgenus “Psithyrus” (known as ‘cuckoo bumblebees’, and formerly considered a separate genus) are a lineage that live parasitically in the colonies of other bumblebees and have lost the ability to collect pollen.

23- Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) larvae may feed parasitically on only a single plant, or they may graze on several nearby plants.

24- Yeremi must become Lexandro’s beneficial leech or remora, his benevolent vampire, sucking away the poison of peril into himself, and thus leeching away also – parasitically – at Lexandro’s spirit.

25- Otherwise, they appear parasitically around conductors which absorb EMR, and around antennas which have the purpose of generating EMR at greater distances.

26- In “Firewalker”, a second-season episode of “The X-Files”, a silicon-based plant that infects humans parasitically through its spores are discovered living deep in a volcano.

27- They all appear to have evolved from a single common ancestor and are usually associated with complex, multicellular animals, either parasitically or symbiotically.

28- Nearly the entire chapter is devoted to showing how Rearden is abused and exploited by his family members who fail to appreciate his virtues while living , parasitically , off his successes.

29- Amplifier circuits that oscillate parasitically through accidental positive feedback are said to be unstable and, unless their design can be modified to render them stable, are useless for amplification purposes.

30- Lampreys ( sometimes also called lamprey eels) are an order of jawless fish-like vertebrates, whose adults are characterized by a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth, feeding parasitically on the blood of other fish.

31- “Entoloma abortivum” is another fungus that can live parasitically upon “A. gallica”.

32- The latter term means a reprobate who acts like a carefree child or who lives parasitically off women.”

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