Use ‘parapsychology’ in a sentence | ‘parapsychology’ example sentences
1- parapsychology has been criticized for making no precise predictions.
2- The scope of parapsychology expanded during these years.
3- As far as the disciplines for parapsychology .
4- His excursions into the field of parapsychology have been more controversial.
5- Throughout his career, Jung remained interested in parapsychology .
6- Some notes for the future Einstein for parapsychology .
7- Two universities in the United States currently have academic parapsychology laboratories.
8- The “European Journal of parapsychology ” ceased publishing in 2010.
9- His challenge to parapsychology‘s AAAS affiliation was unsuccessful.
10- The JREF has provided skeptical views in the area of parapsychology .
11- Journal of parapsychology . 48: 201-218.
12- It led him to establish the parapsychology department at Duke University.
13- New Age thought often includes references to the paranormal and to parapsychology .
14- In parapsychology many states have been thought to be conducive to ESP.
15- There have been instances of fraud in the history of parapsychology research.
16- Random numbers are often used in parapsychology as a test of precognition.
17- Lange was interested in spiritualism and parapsychology to contain his own philosophy.
18- parapsychology is psychic research as a means to greater spiritual truth and discoveries.
19- Most papers about parapsychology are published in a small number of niche journals.
20- Interest in paranormal phenomena, occultism and parapsychology has never been more prevalent.
21- He was also a propagator of ‘ parapsychology ‘!
22- Within parapsychology there are disagreements over the results and methodology as well.
23- Related academic fields include Near-death studies, parapsychology and Humanistic psychology.
24- Prologue to a debate: Some assumptions relevant to research in parapsychology .
25- Institute of Noetic Sciences A nonprofit organization that sponsors research in parapsychology .
26- Durham, NC, US: parapsychology Press.
27- The SPR and ASPR continue research in parapsychology .
28- Appraising verbal test material in parapsychology .
29- Most scientists regard parapsychology as pseudoscience.
30- In 1957 the Parapsychological Association was formed at the preeminent society for parapsychology .
31- Critical analysts, including some parapsychologists, are not satisfied with experimental parapsychology studies.
32- The Rhine Research Center is a hub for research and education in parapsychology .
33- But she also chose it because she had a long-standing interest in parapsychology .
34- parapsychology , including the study of clairvoyance, is an example of pseudoscience.
35- His parapsychology research organization was originally affiliated with Duke University, but is now separate.
36- Hypnosis, electronic brain implants, microwave transmissions, and parapsychology also received intense scrutiny.
37- parapsychology is a field of study concerned with the investigation of paranormal and psychic phenomena.
38- Since Professor Morris’ death in 2004 the Chair of parapsychology has remained vacant.
39- parapsychology is still trying to answer questions it first began to ask seriously a century ago.
40- Increasingly attracted to parapsychology , Fellini met the Turin magician Gustavo Rol in 1963. The JREF has provided skeptical views in the area of parapsychology.
41- However, more formal experiments, as well as criticism from both the parapsychology community and Randi himself, led them to dismiss their initial trust.
42- In 1987 he again became head of the Institute for parapsychology, where he has remained to the present.
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