Use ‘parapsychologists’ in a sentence | ‘parapsychologists’ example sentences
1- Most Christian parapsychologists accept this equation without serious question.
2- Experimental investigation of the paranormal has been conducted by parapsychologists .
3- This section of Christianity is just as guilty as the premature parapsychologists .
4- Because of the methodological problems, parapsychologists no longer utilize card-guessing studies.
5- parapsychologists employ a variety of approaches for the study of apparent paranormal phenomena.
6- Most parapsychologists , however, are not interested in the physiology of dreaming.
7- Lethbridge’s work continued to attract interest from parapsychologists after his death.
8- Of all nations the United Kingdom has the largest number of active parapsychologists .
9- The Ownbey-Zirkle ESP experiment at Duke was criticized by parapsychologists and skeptics.
10- parapsychologists and Spiritualists have an ongoing interest in EVP.
11- Critical analysts, including some parapsychologists , are not satisfied with experimental parapsychology studies.
12- Early research was considered inconclusive, and parapsychologists were faced with strong opposition from their academic colleagues.
13- Selective reporting has been offered by critics as an explanation for the positive results reported by parapsychologists .
14- parapsychologists have admitted it is impossible to eliminate the possibility of non-paranormal causes in their experiments.
15- All parapsychologists can do is claim alleged data is anomalous and lying beyond the reach of ordinary science.
16- It centers around a group of eccentric New York City parapsychologists who investigate and capture ghosts for a living.
17- The definitions for the terms above may not reflect their mainstream usage, nor the opinions of all parapsychologists and their critics.
18- It stars Bill Murray, Aykroyd, and Ramis as three eccentric parapsychologists in New York City who start a ghost-catching business.
19- parapsychologists have always complained that they didn’t get enough funding, Randi says, so this was an ideal opportunity to put them to the test.
20- Despite these great dangers, hypnotists, Transcendental Meditation gurus, parapsychologists , occultists and spiritualists, among others, are now offering ‘package tours’ for all who wish to venture into the great interior.
21- Laboratory studies by parapsychologists have already provided significant statistical evidence for telepathy (well reviewed by Dean Radin in his book The Conscious Universe ).
22- The quirky horror comedy starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis about a group of university parapsychologists who open a ghost removal service was one of the blockbuster hits the summer of 1984.
23- While it is admitted by most parapsychologists that some amount of coincidence is to be expected between what a person dreams and what actually happens, it is argued that there are too many cases of seemingly prophetic dreams to reasonably explain them all away as due to coincidence.
24- Tart and other parapsychologists who think that the dream state is a gateway to another world 2 seem to think that the key scientific evidence for this is the distinct brain waves of the various stages of sleep.
25- But some parapsychologists , such as Charles Tart , believe that dreams offer entry into another universe, a paranormal universe of OBEs , cosmic messages, and blissful nirvana.
26- Since these imply that compression and absorption are also impossible, Zeno rejects the data of the atomists just as physicists reject the data of parapsychologists .
27- Pratt was co-experimenter in the Pearce-Pratt and Pratt-Woodruff tests that are considered by some parapsychologists to have provided evidence for psi, though critics discovered flaws in the experiments.
28- After slaying the Bodega Bay Inn’s owner, Megan Gallagher, Toulon unofficially takes ownership of the hotel, to the confusion of a group of parapsychologists who come to investigate the rantings of Alex Whitaker, who has gone insane since his visit to the place.
29- The game follows the player’s character as a new recruit in the Ghostbusters, a team of parapsychologists who pursue and capture ghosts.
30- Many individuals who experience an NDE see it as a verification of the existence of life after death, and some parapsychologists and researchers in the field of near-death studies see the NDE as evidence that human consciousness may continue to exist after physical death.
31- In a second study, Koehler (1993) replicated the biased assimilation effect with professional experts on opposite sides of ESP debate; intriguingly, the effect was stronger among “hard-nosed” skeptics than among the parapsychologists .
32- A group of parapsychologists from UC Irvine – Dr. Lesh, Ryan, and Marty – come to the Freeling house to investigate and determine that the Freelings are experiencing a poltergeist intrusion.
33- Leslie Flint, a direct voice medium based in Notting Hill, invited them to attend a session which he was holding for some American parapsychologists , who were coming over to observe him.
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