paraprofessionals in a sentence

Use ‘paraprofessionals’ in a sentence | ‘paraprofessionals’ example sentences

1- As previously noted there are different types of paraprofessionals .

2- To reduce costs, corporations use paraprofessionals to administer rights.

3- paraprofessionals hold a college degree or have received college training.

4- Can paraprofessionals deliver cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat anxiety and depressive symptoms?

5- Alternatives to overreliance on paraprofessionals in inclusive schools.

6- Findings and recommendations were made in several areas affecting paraprofessionals with instructional responsibilities.

7- Classrooms host eight students, one teacher, and two paraprofessionals .

8- Larger libraries are often divided into departments staffed by both paraprofessionals and professional librarians.

9- Some paraprofessionals will be assigned to support students in a general education classroom.

10- Peer supports as an alternative to individually assigned paraprofessionals in inclusive high school classrooms.

11- It is operated by librarians and library paraprofessionals , who are also civil servants.

12- This can be achieved with laypersons and paraprofessionals (2,4).

13- The CSDE recently conducted a study to identify the professional development needs of paraprofessionals .

14- The class is oriented towards professionals with some experience in librarianship (including paraprofessionals ).

15- Often, paraprofessionals will assist in the front office with attendance and other related activities.

16- It would be great to see worthwhile programs for veteran paraprofessionals in the northeast region.

17- They also may supervise paraprofessionals .

18- In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force.

19- Discuss examples of laws, policies or negotiated agreement language that affects your work with paraprofessionals .

20- These exercises may be successfully used by parents and paraprofessionals with some guidance from the clinician.

21- In the years that followed, the AFT organized nearly 300,000 paraprofessionals and school-related personnel.

22- They trained paraprofessionals and technicians, such as primary school teachers, medical technicians, or bookkeepers.

23- Non-professional staff expenditures ( such as secretaries and paraprofessionals ) are projected to drop by 0.2 percent.

24- Please also extend my gratitude to the teachers and paraprofessionals who were members of the interview team.

25- Aides are union members of the Detroit Federation of paraprofessionals , and typically make near minimum wages.

26- In classrooms with autistic students, there are generally six children, one teacher, and two paraprofessionals .

27- Students working as paraprofessionals gain direct teaching experience in Minneapolis or St. Paul Public School Alternative Programs.

28- As of 2004 Merced’s school districts have Hmong-speaking faculty and paraprofessionals who serve the Hmong population.

29- The delivery of modern health care depends on groups of trained professionals and paraprofessionals coming together as interdisciplinary teams.

30- Questions have frequently been raised about the effect upon indigenous paraprofessionals of the training that is provided for them.

31- Teachers and paraprofessionals in nearby states have seen more lay offs, falling wages, and increased costs for benefits.

32- HIPPY is a home-based literacy program delivered by AmeriCorps paraprofessionals designed to help parents become their child’s first teacher.

33- The teacher will also train any paraprofessionals working with the student with ASD on how to implement the behavior plan.

34- The agency’s policies must include specifics about timely record entry by all professionals and paraprofessionals providing services in the program.

35- In 1969, the AFT won the right to represent 10,000 preK-12 public school paraprofessionals in New York City.

36- These ambulance care givers are generally professionals or paraprofessionals and in some countries their use is controlled through training and registration.

37- It is not practical to release the paraprofessionals from their assignment during the school day taking them away from their students.

38- Nurses should not train paraprofessionals in any of the activities listed above for the purpose of their use in capital punishment.

39- paraprofessionals in this role may not only assist a student with ASD, but also other students with disabilities who require support.

40- There are 51 certified instructional staff members and 31 paraprofessionals.

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