Use ‘paraprofessional’ in a sentence | ‘paraprofessional’ example sentences
1- In addition, paraprofessional personnel sometimes assist in tax return preparation.
2- As previously noted there are different types of paraprofessionals .
3- To reduce costs, corporations use paraprofessionals to administer rights.
4- paraprofessionals hold a college degree or have received college training.
5- The student support specialists would fall under paraprofessional non-instructional.
6- Can paraprofessionals deliver cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat anxiety and depressive symptoms?
7- The paraprofessional is critical to the education of students with ASD.
8- Data is a critical part of your role as the paraprofessional .
9- Sarah Anderson (1922–1981) was a beloved school paraprofessional .
10- Alternatives to overreliance on paraprofessionals in inclusive schools.
11- Findings and recommendations were made in several areas affecting paraprofessionals with instructional responsibilities.
12- Still others will be discovered by you, the paraprofessional .
13- Students participate in small-group writing activities with a paraprofessional .
14- Classrooms host eight students, one teacher, and two paraprofessionals .
15- Larger libraries are often divided into departments staffed by both paraprofessionals and professional librarians.
16- This duty will depend on your school policies about teacher and paraprofessional duties.
17- Some paraprofessionals will be assigned to support students in a general education classroom.
18- Peer supports as an alternative to individually assigned paraprofessionals in inclusive high school classrooms.
19- A paraprofessional at a Madison Parish preschool engages students in the writing center.
20- paraprofessional , substitute, or volunteer positions do not count toward an internship.
21- It is operated by librarians and library paraprofessionals , who are also civil servants.
22- This chart outlines and describes LEA-level accountability requirements pertaining to educator and paraprofessional quality.
23- One of the most valuable people working with these students is the paraprofessional .
24- This can be achieved with laypersons and paraprofessionals (2,4).
25- A well trained paraprofessional can increase learning opportunities by giving students opportunities to practice skills.
26- The CSDE recently conducted a study to identify the professional development needs of paraprofessionals .
27- One very interesting grant is the paraprofessional Teach Preparation Grant Program in Massachusetts.
28- She won a settlement that required that a paraprofessional be regularly assigned to him .
29- The class is oriented towards professionals with some experience in librarianship (including paraprofessionals ).
30- The paraprofessional can provide teachers with planning time critical to the development of educational programming.
31- Often, paraprofessionals will assist in the front office with attendance and other related activities.
32- It would be great to see worthwhile programs for veteran paraprofessionals in the northeast region.
33- They also may supervise paraprofessionals .
34- University of Phoenix is pleased to offer a scholarship program for current teachers or paraprofessional educators .
35- In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force.
36- The paraprofessional works under the direct supervision of the teacher or other certified or licensed professional.
37- The teachers you work with should be able to help you grow as a paraprofessional .
38- Discuss examples of laws, policies or negotiated agreement language that affects your work with paraprofessionals .
39- These exercises may be successfully used by parents and paraprofessionals with some guidance from the clinician.
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