paraplegic in a sentence

Use ‘paraplegic’ in a sentence | ‘paraplegic’ example sentences

1- The paraplegic person controlling the suit is still a secret.

2- Electrical leads implanted in the paraplegic patient.

3- Roosevelt was paraplegic and uses a wheelchair.

4- The title is a metaphor, the protagonists are paraplegics .

5- There are also two rooms with paraplegic facilities.

6- For services to paraplegics , sport and medicine.

7- A paraplegic , he uses a motorized wheelchair.

8- Bowls are played by the blind and paraplegic .

9- Not one paraplegic is up and running.

10- Harris survives the fall but becomes paraplegic from his injuries.

11- He fell from his horse and became a paraplegic .

12- For example, a paraplegic might require extra laundry or extra clothing.

13- Instead of dying, he became a paraplegic .

14- MOTUS is an automotive interior concept for an active paraplegic user.

15- The hand carving was done by Bob McGovern, a paraplegic .

16- Wheels, a Caucasian paraplegic male in a wheelchair.

17- Farley, a paraplegic gives wrenching testimony against Tyson.

18- The Australian paraplegic Council was not formed until February 1962.

19- Mr. Coque became a paraplegic in a very serious construction accident.

20- Consequently, it is not the ideal sport for most paraplegics .

21- Tariq is now a paraplegic and uses a wheelchair.

22- One woman was left a paraplegic .

23- Even a paraplegic can be a sportsman.

24- My first trip was Marta, a paraplegic with a bad attitude.

25- It is a highly intelligent monkey and has been trained to assist paraplegic persons.

26- The accident left his passenger and best friend Roland Winkler a paraplegic .

27- He learns he is now a paraplegic and ponders his political future.

28- OP was not a paraplegic but a bilateral below the knees amputee .

29- Brown started writing an online diary just two weeks after becoming a paraplegic .

30- Bad paraplegics are people like me , the ones who deserve it.

31- The man became a paraplegic and had no hope of returning to work!

32- Scott David Findlay, a paraplegic , was convicted of cannabis charges.

33- More recently some of them have been trained as aides for paraplegic humans .

34- Wandercraft is especially interested in cases of paraplegics and certain forms of myopathy.

35- In doing so he broke his back and was now a paraplegic squirrel.

36- During the special three-day deer hunting season for paraplegic hunters , four deer were taken.

37- Now , he is trying to develop a robotic exoskeleton enabling paraplegics to walk.

38- A constituent of his was paraplegic and needed his second bedroom for his carer .

39- paraplegic adventurer and athlete who has pursued an ambitious programme of challenges with remarkable determination.

40- As a result of bullet wounds to his spine, he is now paraplegic . Bernard was rushed to the hospital on April 25, 2014, but he was left a paraplegic.

41- The child’s paraplegic doctor ( Morgan Freeman ) cares for her.

42- The paraplegic Association of South Australia et al.

43- A young man recently made paraplegic discusses his daily battle with depression and his determination and motivation to overcome it and get on with his life.

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