Use ‘paraplegia’ in a sentence | ‘paraplegia’ example sentences
1- The result was permanent paraplegia and a $1,000,000 settlement.
2- It may give rise to paraplegia in late presenting cases.
3- His paraplegia confines Bruce to a wheelchair.
4- paraplegia is a condition usually resulting from injury to the spinal cord.
5- Gull’s main work on paraplegia was published between 1856 and 1858.
6- Complete injuries at or below the thoracic spinal levels result in paraplegia .
7- Despite her paraplegia , Oracle is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant and athlete.
8- How do you ‘ respect’ the person you reduced to paraplegia ?
9- paraplegia (1 in 250,000).
10- Sit-skis are designed for wheelchair users or other skiers with a form of paraplegia .
11- paraplegia , which affects all or part of the trunk, legs and pelvic organs.
12- Poesy first suffered from paraplegia at 17 (1992) due to acute thoracic intradural meningioma.
13- Coulthard said “I’m dedicating my last race to the vision of making paraplegia curable”.
14- They did a value of viagra from canadian pharmacies bridge into the paraplegia via a decided county $18,000.
15- That heal pace can be quite small, between paraplegia , whilst in the long-term coma, vegetative talk about!
16- Where a spinal cord lesion leads to paraplegia , patients have difficulty emptying their bladders and this can cause infection.
17- Thoracic injuries normally affect the chest and legs and can result in paraplegia ie loss of function of two limbs.
18- paraplegia : Approximately 44 percent of Americans diagnosed with spinal cord injuries since 2005 have paraplegia, according to NSCISC.
19- paraplegia: Approximately 44 percent of Americans diagnosed with spinal cord injuries since 2005 have paraplegia , according to NSCISC.
20- With rapidly advancing robotic technology, could we eventually see a system enabling much more independent movement for those with paraplegia ?
21- Injuries reported to the CPC by consumers include loss of limbs, paraplegia , blindness, deafness and other devastating conditions.
22- Damages in one paraplegia case are not the same as in another, and the same is true with quadriplegia cases.
23- One day, in a flash of jealousy, she caused Masooma to suffer a debilitating injury that resulted in paraplegia .
24- About ARGO Medical Technologies ARGO Medical Technologies develops manufactures and markets exoskeletons for people with lower limb disabilities such as paraplegia .
25- Among the demonstrators were Disabled in Action, Paralyzed Veterans of America, the National paraplegia Foundation, and others.
26- Injuries of the 16______________ may cause paraplegia , paralysis of 17______________, or quadriplegia, paralysis of all four limbs.
27- paraplegia occurs when there is damage to the upper to middle part of the spine, also known as the thoracic region.
28- However, none of such innovations and technologies has made it possible for people with complete paraplegia or tetraplegia to ambulate independently for any significant distances, as use of such devices are often physically exhausting for the user.
29- The most frequent neurologic category of SCI is incomplete tetraplegia (41%), followed by incomplete paraplegia (19%), complete paraplegia (18%), and complete tetraplegia (12%).
30- The most frequent neurologic category of SCI is incomplete tetraplegia (41%), followed by incomplete paraplegia (19%), complete paraplegia (18%), and complete tetraplegia (12%).
31- But when this disease attacks very old people, it therefore proves fatal, or induces paraplegia , because the veins are empty, and the blood scanty, thin, and watery.
32- Detailed study, from hospital records and staff interviews, of Zahira, born with spina bifida, resulting in paraplegia , chronic renal problems, and frequent hospital admissions.
33- Administration of effective amounts of gpaa, such as 3-4 of the capsules or tablets described above administered daily, alleviates the sequelae such as hemiplegia, paraplegia and impaired neurofunction, and greatly shortens the required periods of convalescence and rehabilitation.
34- Similarly, the Dean of Students at my school has to overcome the obstacle of paraplegia each day, yet he describes himself as a stronger and more sensitive individual as a result.
35- For example, people with paraplegia who are prone to spasms will need to use extra precautionary measures, such as body restraining straps, to prevent them from being thrown out of a wheelchair.
36- He described the effects of sport on the rehabilitation of people with paraplegia and tetraplegia and stressed that sporting activities enabled them to overcome boredom in hospital and also promoted development of their physical and cardiorespiratory endurance.
37- A spinal cord injury can involve the arms and legs, which is called quadriplegia or tetraplegia, or the lower body only, which is called paraplegia . He died of paraplegia in the Sydney suburb of Burwood survived by his third wife.
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