paraphrasing in a sentence

Use ‘paraphrasing’ in a sentence | ‘paraphrasing’ example sentences

1- This principle is made plain through paraphrasing three verses.

2- Such paraphrasing or additions are enclosed in square brackets.

3- The rest of the story defies paraphrasing .

4- This is attempted paraphrasing , but it is sloppy.

5- paraphrasing a very poignant part of your presentation.

6- Providing feedback is accomplished by paraphrasing the words of the sender.

7- paraphrasing should tell you whether you can answer the question.

8- paraphrasing Descartes, “I experience therefore I am.

9- paraphrasing communicates the helper’s attention, warmth, and understanding.

10- The piece is famous for its use of musical quotation and paraphrasing .

11- I’ve translated and summarised the interview, paraphrasing for brevity.

12- Now the definition of truth stated above is actually a paraphrasing of faith.

13- Both paraphrasing and citation are required.

14- This phenomenon is known as paraphrasing .

15- paraphrasing K leads to disastrous results.

16- But workmanlike feedback lacks the creativity associated with accurately paraphrasing what you heard.

17- Actual, physical scripts that they were compelled to read, no paraphrasing .

18- The use of today’s street language and of paraphrasing was not considered.

19- I’m paraphrasing , of course.

20- Okay, I’m paraphrasing here.

21- paraphrasing other’s words too closely may be construed as plagiarism in some circumstances.

22- Many of them are simply paraphrasing information for the sake of answering a question.

23- Dependency is not morphologically marked, but is interpreted through paraphrasing or dropping words.

24- For instance, direct quotation is often discouraged in the sciences, which prefer paraphrasing .

25- Rather than paraphrasing him, I provide here two brief excerpts from that book.

26- Andy Warhol was paraphrasing McLuhan with his now famous 15 minutes of fame quote.

27- Future tense forms, however, are impossible and can only be expressed through paraphrasing .

28- Interpretive: paraphrasing – attempting to explain what the other person’s statement means.

29- paraphrasing Jim Grant, they’re planning on saving Europeans from everyday lower prices.

30- A paraphrasing of Elliot Eisner (1933-), American art educator.

31- Can anyone hope for a more succinct paraphrasing of the papal words than this resume?

32- Chairman Mao, paraphrasing , almost encouraged suicide, since China had so many people.

33- It is even better to be able to reproduce what others have concluded by paraphrasing .

34- We call this process paraphrasing .

35- He explained his problem with e-mail by paraphrasing a quote from automobile pioneer Henry Ford .

36- I am paraphrasing the story, but in a nutshell, this is what happen.

37- Simple as it may seem, not everyone applies paraphrasing in all of their conversations.

38- The text said ( paraphrasing ), “The demands of the Art are excruciating.

39- But paraphrasing the Specification would just get you another Specification , not an implementation.

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