parapets in a sentence

Use ‘parapets’ in a sentence | ‘parapets’ example sentences

1- Both roofs are flat and topped with brick parapets .

2- It is designed without handrails, using stainless steel parapets instead.

3- Three sides face the river and were formed of broad parapets .

4- The parapets were redesigned and given plunging embrasures.

5- The parapets on top of the walls have cannon ports.

6- The causeways were faced with masonry and had parapets in places.

7- The causeway is 9 m wide and bordered by 20 cm high parapets .

8- The roofline often has pierced parapets with comparatively few pinnacles.

9- Stepped parapets exist on the main tower and wings.

10- The chapel parapets are deep crenelated repeats of the tower battlements.

11- The roofs are slate-tiled, but some are hidden behind parapets .

12- Let him stick behind his parapets , and he will perish.

13- The parapets all have battlements and the roofs are of slate.

14- The north and south end walls have curvilinear parapets of Spanish extraction.

15- The bridge does not have parapets and has “no steel reinforcements”.

16- We found our men and the Germans standing on their respective parapets .

17- The rebel parapets were strongly manned, and the enemy fought hard and well.

18- These parapets surrounded and thereby protected the large platforms from which trebuchets were operated.

19- The timber parapets have been replaced with cast iron sections to match the original items.

20- parapets lined the roof, which was often used for living quarters as well.

21- Battlemented parapets run around the walls of the aisle walls and the clerestory.

22- From recent onslaughts of its parapets ?

23- None of the Union attacks had even made it to the Confederate parapets .

24- We walk to the windows, into tunnels, through passages, over parapets .

25- On each of these hills the enemy had signal-stations and fresh lines of parapets .

26- The limitation of traditional decoration to balcony parapets and console stones balances the Orientalist emphasis.

27- parapets gradually grew lower and lower until the trench became little deeper than a roadside ditch.

28- Saredon Mill bridge is in good condition, after Trust volunteers rebuilt the parapets .

29- The parapets end abruptly on the top, giving an opportunity for a cross-section view.

30- Although the bridge platform has long been removed, the bridge parapets remain in good condition.

31- The parapets are battlemented, with the usual walk along the top of the walls.

32- They clambered over the parapets of their forward trenches along a front of 9 kilometres.

33- Between the gables are balustraded parapets .

34- The embankments and bridges are separated from rivers and canals by granite or cast iron parapets .

35- The top of the gates have notched parapets for archers to shoot at the enemy army.

36- The parapets were rebuilt in 1914 and the structure was given a Grade II listing in 1953.

37- As Spoletta lunges towards her, Tosca climbs onto the castle parapets and throws herself off.

38- It was narrow and dangerous and built without parapets so that peolple kept falling into the river.

39- To the right and left of the port are parapets with canons which once protected the city.

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