paranoias in a sentence

Use ‘paranoias’ in a sentence | ‘paranoias’ example sentences

1- She was letting Mark’s paranoias rub off on her.

2- Being England captain has a habit of refreshing the paranoias other jobs cannot reach.

3- It’s really hard to get worked-up about some paranoias when so many sound ridiculous to us.

4- Alberto Y Los Trios paranoias singing ‘Teenage Paradise’ at Rafters, Manchester.

5- The show revolved around themes of evolution, as well as her paranoias represented on “The Fame Monster”.

6- Therefore, collective paranoia is nothing else but a summary of many individual paranoias brought together to a level of paroxysm.

7- In today’s world of logorrhea, communication is fraught with many dangers: misunderstandings, paranoias , recriminations, conflicts.

8- The show ends back at Rafters with Alberto Y Los Trios paranoias performing ‘Death of Rock and Roll’.

9- The fears that walls and cameras are designed to allay are instead heightened by them and transmuted into irrational paranoias of emasculation .

10- But it quickly began to parody familiar Rangers paranoias and persecution complexes, using the sort of emotive language so beloved of the more virulent Rangers fan website (which many would argue is almost all of them).

11- It has served to illuminate the darkest corners of the architectural subconscious, with all the petty ambitions, jealousies and paranoias that lie just below the superficial platitudes about culture and cooperation.

12- The songs composed during that time were about the various abstract “monsters”–metaphors for her paranoias –that she faced during the tour.

13- Since “The Fame Monster” dealt with the paranoias Gaga had faced, the main theme of the original shows became human evolution, while elements of the canceled tour with West were still included in some parts.

14- Since the album dealt with the paranoias faced by Gaga over the year, the main theme of the show became evolution, with Gaga portraying growth as the show progressed.

15- The semblance of order quickly deteriorates as the majority of the boys turn idle, giving little aid in building shelters, and begin to develop paranoias about the island, referring to a supposed monster, the “beast”, which they believe to exist on the island.

16- There’s comedy from a couple of ‘roadies’ –- Arthur Kelly and Gordon Kaye, followed by clips from an Alberto Y Los Trios paranoias rock opera as they perform ‘Snuffin’ in a Babylon’ and “Gobbin’ on Life”.

17- Tony Wilson and Clive James presented the show: live studio performances by Matumbi performing ‘A Woman Like You’ and Alberto Y Los Trios paranoias performing ‘Old Trust’ were featured.

18- In a press release promoting the album, Love said: “These songs are about my own weaknesses and impurities; things about myself that I hate… paranoias , petty concerns, and pithy, pathetic things that are inside of me.

19- Around this time Richardson and Planer were heavily influenced by U.S. comedians Sal’s Meat Market, an early duo of John Ratzenberger and Ray Hassett, as well as the group Alberto y Lost Trios paranoias .

20- Musicians which the band have cited as Cardiacs influences include XTC, Van der Graaf Generator, Gong, early Split Enz, Gentle Giant, Alberto Y Los Trios paranoias , early Genesis, Deaf School and Wire.

21- Other Stiff acts produced by Lowe included punk parody group Alberto y Lost Trios paranoias , new wave icon Wreckless Eric and roots rocker Mickey Jupp.

22- It was me , Mark and Mike, and we managed to get 11 tracks recorded, and then of course because of Mark’s current engagements, for the same reasons he’s not going to be helping us out with 11 paranoias anymore.

23- In a January 2011 Time magazine cover story, David Von Drehle referred to Loughner’s rational question as “nonsensical,” presumably because it was ensconced by admittedly hackneyed, passive, post-9/11 paranoias .

24- “–was recycled both as the opening lines of 1976’s “New Rose” by the Damned, the first British punk rock single, and of “Kill” by the parody punk group Alberto Y Lost Trios paranoias , as well as the title of the 1979 hit song by Joe Jackson.

25- ” was put between “Cry Baby Cry” and “Revolution 9”, while recordings of Cilla Black’s hit “Step Inside Love” and a joke number, “Los paranoias “, were released on “Anthology 3”.

26- ” It’s a band called 11 paranoias , which ironically it’s a band we started before the split of Ramesses, which ironically ended up with the same lineup at the end.

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