paramilitaries in a sentence

Use ‘paramilitaries’ in a sentence | ‘paramilitaries’ example sentences

1- Large drugs are down predominantly introduced within nucleus paramilitaries .

2- They are surrounded by right wing paramilitaries .

3- The paramilitaries and guerrillas targeted religious leaders.

4- The paramilitaries had failed to provide such an alternative.

5- There were no immediate revenge attacks by loyalist paramilitaries .

6- One was charged with activities linked to loyalist paramilitaries .

7- Just weeks later, loyalist paramilitaries also announced a ceasefire.

8- Smaller paramilitaries also existed, under political leaders and their lieutenants.

9- The paramilitaries spearheaded a fresh offensive that began on 30 September.

10- The paramilitaries also held up Russian currency transports leaving Polish territories.

11- As the paramilitaries left, they set fire to the village.

12- He regularly passed on information about suspected IRA members to loyalist paramilitaries .

13- Lorries in the square carried armed Chechen paramilitaries .

14- The UVF also attacked republican paramilitaries and their political activists.

15- Chechen paramilitaries were spotted in Sloviansk on 5 May 2014.

16- The IRA also accused the man of being involved with loyalist paramilitaries .

17- In 1994, the Provisional IRA and loyalist paramilitaries called ceasefires.

18- And in which document did I invite paramilitaries to Bijeljina ?

19- He blamed paramilitaries from both sides of the community for on-going violence.

20- They also had connections to loyalist paramilitaries and even the KKK.

21- Also, separatist Albanian paramilitaries began a steady escalation of violence in 1998.

22- Serb paramilitaries expelled thousands of non-Serbs from their homes in the municipality.

23- Orange lodges in Britain have also been accused of links with loyalist paramilitaries .

24- A 17-year-old Poleglass youth was shot by loyalist paramilitaries in west Belfast.

25- They said they couldn’t, in principle, deal with active paramilitaries .

26- The continuing paramilitary campaign of the IRA and Loyalist paramilitaries compounded the problem.

27- Road blocks were established by Loyalist paramilitaries in many parts of the North.

28- During the Yugoslav Wars, many Serb paramilitaries styled themselves as Chetniks.

29- The goal was to get the paramilitaries to come to the negotiation table.

30- Loyalist paramilitaries retaliated by killing Catholics at random and assassinating Irish nationalist politicians.

31- Vehicles were even carjacked from the international officials by paramilitaries while Russian soldiers watched.

32- Some Orangemen also joined loyalist paramilitaries .

33- Beginning in the 1950s the Central Intelligence Agency trained Tibetans as paramilitaries .

34- SDLP representative John Dallat was warned of danger from unionist paramilitaries last week.

35- Only 3,700 of the paramilitaries applied for “Justice and Peace” benefits.

36- The army unleashed the paramilitaries and mob violence followed, in which many were killed.

37- The change of policy follows recent attacks by loyalist paramilitaries on Sinn Fein advice centres.

38- At about 5am the paramilitaries began to fire into the campus using military weapons.

39- They know that their success will lead to the defeat of the paramilitaries .

40- Twenty of the pro-government paramilitaries were wounded, and at least four were captured. Maduro blamed the attack on right-wing paramilitaries from Colombia.

41- Do we look like paramilitaries? said Nelsi as she and her three young daughters stood at the door.

42- From 1972 onwards, paramilitaries were tried in juryless Diplock courts to avoid intimidation of jurors.

43- El Kantara – Haifa trains were a particular target and Zionist paramilitaries bombed them three times during the War of Independence.

44- The group is a pro-Indian faction, linked to the so-called counter-insurgents (paramilitaries).

45- Leadership needs to be able to promise members, especially those like armies, police forces, or paramilitaries will abide by agreements.

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