Use ‘paramedical’ in a sentence | ‘paramedical’ example sentences
1- All medical and paramedical specialties are present.
2- They are supported by a large paramedical staff.
3- And also there are 11 paramedical institutes.
4- Teacher training and evaluation in curriculum of paramedicals .
5- The college may teach Post Graduate as well as paramedical courses.
6- The current system discourages the creative use of paramedical personnel, however.
7- Where appropriate, paramedical staff should be asked to participate in ward tutorials.
8- AIIMS also specialises in paramedical and basic science training for its undergraduates.
9- Israel has an advanced infrastructure of medical and paramedical research and bioengineering capabilities.
10- Israel is a world leader in medical and paramedical research, and bioengineering capabilities.
11- The care givers including ward boys and paramedical staff underwent special training to handle such patients .
12- Its mandate also includes undergraduate and postgraduate medical and paramedical training as well as research.
13- He is there as a paramedical officer who is field-trained but not formally educated.
14- The Atlantic Business College offers a variety of business, paramedical and paralegal programs.
15- More than 900 patients, physicians, nurses and paramedical workers died in the initial shock.
16- Experienced and passionate Dermal Therapists and paramedical Aestheticians with industry experience.
17- Health care in urban areas was provided by paramedical personnel assigned to factories and neighborhood health stations.
18- Medical and paramedical education in fact is primarily geared to producing health professionals for the western market.
19- These post would suit recent life science graduates or people with a paramedical background, particularly nursing.
20- Work in a team with other nurses and with medical and paramedical staff and social workers.
21- Morocco has far fewer nurses and other paramedical staff per capita than other countries of comparable national income.
22- The 23-year-old paramedical student, who was brutally assaulted in Delhi, succumbed to her injuries.
23- The old seminary building across mabini st. has been leased by the school for the paramedical courses.
24- Thereafter, the College broadened its range of courses, especially in the paramedical and healthcare fields.
25- Other specialists too, such as those in the paramedical field, may be involved in ward teaching.
26- The unit has a close working relationship with the adjacent medical school, teaching hospital and paramedical training departments.
27- In addition, a massive effort will be made to recruit and train paramedical and community level health workers.
28- Physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage services accounted for 83% of the total paramedical services used in 2003.
29- Upper secondary paramedical school and tertiary paramedical schools prepare the non-physician health workers and middle health-care workers. 4.
30- Upper secondary paramedical school and tertiary paramedical schools prepare the non-physician health workers and middle health-care workers. 4.
31- Aspiring doctors can choose from the state government ‘s Medical College, 11 paramedical colleges and a homoeopathy college.
32- His brother Hussam Kana’neh was indicted for transferring paramedical equipment from Ibrahim ‘Ajweh to Jenin.
33- Entonox is also used in many countries by paramedical personnel to provide pain relief at accident sites and in ambulances.
34- The Indian army also provided paramedical units to facilitate the withdrawal of the sick and wounded in the Korean War.
35- At her paramedical and Beauty Centre, Bharti Vyas uses natural techniques to put right both physical and psychological problems.
36- Free health care for all Jamaicans was introduced, while health clinics and a paramedical system in rural areas were established.
37- A 23-year-old paramedical student was brutally gangraped and murdered by six men on a bus on December 16, 2012.
38- Various paramedical staff may be members of the team, commonly the physiotherapist and dietician, although others may be involved.
39- As a paramedical specialist, he worked in collaboration with numerous members of the medical & allied professions in New Jersey.
40- I wish my self success and other applicants .. No. 26 Please when is the university starting the medical and paramedical courses? Well-qualified medical and paramedical staff have been recruited to staff the various branches of the hospital.
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