Use ‘paramecium’ in a sentence | ‘paramecium’ example sentences
1- The paramecium study raised a number of interesting questions.
2- A biologist collected 1 gallon of pond water and counted 50 paramecium .
3- In the case of paramecium , the same species always won.
4- These include worms, paramecia , fungi and larger and more sophisticated parasites.
5- One simply cannot breed a paramecium the size of a baseball.
6- The paramecium contains a vacuole called a contractile vacuole.
7- Vacuoles are also found in paramecium .
8- There are over 8000 species of ciliates, one of which is the paramecium .
9- Right: actual numbers of paramecium in a 1 cc sample of a laboratory culture.
10- In Figure 1, a population of paramecium in a small laboratory depression slide is pictured.
11- They are so small, their entire bodies are smaller than a single-celled ” paramecium “.
12- Examples of protists include the microscopic organism called paramecium and the single-celled alga called Chlamydomonas .
13- Protozoa: Amoebas and paramecia may be the most familiar examples of these single-celled microbes.
14- The larger ciliates (e.g., paramecium ) prey mostly upon photosynthetic cyanobacteria and small eukaryotic algae.
15- He selected for body size in paramecium and found that after a few generations selection had no effect.
16- For example, in Figure 1 we see a population of paramecium over a six day period.
17- Paramecia have two nuclei. true Match the animal-like protist with the cell part it uses for movement.
18- Stinging organelles called trichocysts on the surface of the paramecium are used to trap and immobilize its prey.
19- paramecium A nice little game similar to nibbles, where you are an amoeba and you eat the paramecium.
20- paramecium A nice little game similar to nibbles, where you are an amoeba and you eat the paramecium .
21- The transport of Mg2+ into paramecium has been characterised largely by R. R. Preston and his coworkers.
22- In fact, there are a number of species of paramecium , which can be raised in this fashion.
23- Cilia work like oars on a viking longship ( paramecium has 17,000 such oars covering its outer surface).
24- paramecium : a laboratory “bottle” experiment – paramecium is a single-celled, ciliated protozoan that feeds on bacteria.
25- paramecium: a laboratory “bottle” experiment – paramecium is a single-celled, ciliated protozoan that feeds on bacteria.
26- The cilia beating together allow the ” paramecium ” to propel through the water at speeds of 500 micrometers per second.
27- When a strong concentration of sodium chloride is placed near to paramecium they turn and go off in the opposite direction.
28- For example, in the right hand graph of Figure 2 is a population of paramecium growing in a laboratory culture.
29- Based on the sampling technique, how many paramecium could be found in the pond if the pond were 1,000 gallons?
30- That is where the 2 comes from in Equation 1 – from each individual paramecium we obtain two individuals the next day.
31- A variety of corals, clams, snails, and one species of ” paramecium ” permanently host algae in their cells.
32- Depending on your need for categorization , a human being can be the same “kind” of organism as a paramecium .
33- View the slide under low power so that you can see what paramecium looks like, and then switch to high power.
34- This procedure allows the electrophysiologist to access the paramecium (sac that covers the heart) and cuts and moves a section of it aside.
35- This was, of course, utterly soul-destroying, and in my dream I pleaded and begged and wailed and all but lit myself on fire and so on, while the wife continued to look at me placidly and pityingly, as if she were studying the behavior of a particularly uninteresting paramecium .
36- In some animals, such as the amoeba or paramecium , one cell acts as a complete organism, taking in food and metabolizing, growing, and reproducing.
37- Protist Cell Part c 7. ameba a. cilia a 8. paramecium b. flagella b 9. sporozoan c. pseudopods sporozoans 10.
38- As Damasio (2003) notes, paramecium will flee from predators, but to argue that single-celled organisms experience fear makes little sense.
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