Use ‘paramecia’ in a sentence | ‘paramecia’ example sentences
1- These include worms, paramecia , fungi and larger and more sophisticated parasites.
2- Protozoa: Amoebas and paramecia may be the most familiar examples of these single-celled microbes.
3- paramecia have two nuclei. true Match the animal-like protist with the cell part it uses for movement.
4- In 1995 Bare produced film showing the process of rupture of some paramecia in a sample using a variant design of the Rife device over 45 seconds *13.
5- Note that the factual correspondences involved for the paramecia are with food and poison gradients, but that those “other ends of the correspondences” are not what is represented for the paramecium.
6- That is, paramecia differentiate tumble situations from swim situations, and thereby tend to approach food and avoid poison (Campbell, 1974).
7- Primarily, other mosquito larvae, flatworms, swimming beetles, fungi, ciliates, paramecia , protozoans which act as parasites, predatory copepods and spiders are natural enemies of the larval stage of Asian tiger mosquitoes.
8- These culminate in problems and hands-on material where the students study the motion of paramecia and bacteria and analyze the dynamics of propulsion in a viscous medium.
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