paralyzingly in a sentence

Use ‘paralyzingly’ in a sentence | ‘paralyzingly’ example sentences

1- Thus some copyright situations become complex, sometimes paralyzingly so.

2- The agony of unrequited love, so paralyzingly horrible, seems absurdly counterproductive, in addition to, from the point of view of the unsuccessful suitor, transcendentally painful.

3- Owen Gleiberman gave the film a “B-” in his review for “Entertainment Weekly” and wrote, “”The Thin Red Line” could, I think, turn out to be this season’s “Beloved”, a movie too paralyzingly high-minded to connect with audiences”.

4- I let her know how paralyzingly nervous I was , and she simultaneously told me there’s nothing to be nervous about – and handed me a squeezy toy, “to help with the pain.

5- ” Likewise, “Star-Ledger” reporter Matt Zoller Seitz said, “Tonight’s episode is crazy, vulgar and borderline blasphemous; it is also, if you’re in the right frame of mind, paralyzingly funny.

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