Use ‘paralyze’ in a sentence | ‘paralyze’ example sentences
1- Some had legs and arms partially paralyzed .
2- She was completely paralyzed for four months.
3- Therefore the law is paralyzed and justice never prevails.
4- My complete left side was paralyzed to start with.
5- I was literally paralyzed by my destroyed confidence.
6- The financial sector was paralyzed and the economy contracted.
7- A brain hemorrhage paralyzed his right leg and arm.
8- Economy in our area has been completely paralyzed .
9- It was discovered that his right side was paralyzed .
10- Ellie is temporarily thought to be paralyzed .
11- John was paralyzed but his memories were restored.
12- She was left paralyzed from the waist down.
13- Many who had been paralyzed and lame were healed.
14- Athens and other cities were once again paralyzed .
15- My moms paralyzed from the neck down .
16- Jax later got shot while protecting Brenda and was temporarily paralyzed .
17- The city’s residents became paralyzed with fear.
18- Lucky is shot and almost paralyzed while following Luke.
19- He turns away, paralyzed with horror.
20- The venom paralyzes small fish almost instantly.
21- This taste is created because gustatory nerve is paralyzed .
22- The baby could die or be paralyzed permanently.
23- She did not realize what had paralyzed her.
24- I had grown paralyzed emotionally because I lost my self.
25- Three were killed; one was paralyzed for life.
26- Just a few found that their body was paralyzed .
27- My arm ended up being paralyzed due to the nerve damage.
28- He broke his fifth vertebrate and was paralyzed from neck down.
29- This renders the horse paralyzed but not unconscious.
30- Frances lived alone and she was paralyzed with fear.
31- He’s also paralyzed by amazingly inert dialogue.
32- Shane is paralyzed in the line of duty.
33- The wounds caused her to be paralyzed .
34- Andrew suffered a stroke which paralyzed him.
35- Riley’s father returned from the war partially paralyzed .
36- One constable was partially paralyzed from the beating he received.
37- Johnson survived financially on his songwriting royalties while he was paralyzed .
38- Jones was paralyzed on the right side and legally blind.
39- An American patient with a spinal cord injury was completely paralyzed .
40- Event recognizes two teens who recovered after being paralyzed . All the abettors of infamous treason who try to paralyze patriotism by calling it abolitionism, must have gazed in dire dismay upon their laborious toil of a year undone in a moment.
41- Spiders generally use their sting to paralyze their prey before eating it.
42- The Ganges River begins in the Himalayas and then flows parallel to the range across the Ganges Plain to the ocean.
43- paralyzeFelix Frankfurter once observed that judicial judgment must take deep account of the day before yesterday, in order that yesterday may not paralyze today.
44- 221474Fear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I cannot allow it to paralyze me.”””
45- He was recording Lullabies to paralyze — which would be the last album with the band.
46- Sphex ichneumoneus Wasps of the genus Sphex (commonly known as digger wasps) are cosmopolitan predators of the family Sphecidae that sting and paralyze prey insects.
47- His Needle Shot, with its incredible rate of rapid fire, launches spears that paralyze his enemies.
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paralyse – paralysed – paralyses – paralysing – paralysis – paralytic – paralytics – paralyze – paralyzed – paralyzes – paralyzing – paralyzingly – paramecia – paramecium – paramedic –
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