Use ‘paralysing’ in a sentence | ‘paralysing’ example sentences
1- paralysing doubt itself rests upon an assumption.
2- It is very useful for paralysing diseases, such as polio.
3- It is the aesthetic motive itself that is so paralysing .
4- The surge of undefinable emotion she experienced was almost paralysing .
5- It succeeded in paralysing the British government and winning significant concessions.
6- I was filled with dread, and with paralysing fear.
7- His mind seemed to have gone into a paralysing panic.
8- He had a sense of subterfuge that was often nearly paralysing .
9- For several minutes a sense of utter paralysing futility overwhelmed Jaq.
10- She describes it as ‘ paralysing ‘.
11- Any resistance was met with a paralysing dose of curare.
12- The evolutionary purpose and benefit of the paralysing toxin is not clear.
13- Oshin falls and hits her head, paralysing her right side.
14- Sabine managed to ask past the paralysing constriction in her throat.
15- Soon he was aware of the paralysing numbness creeping up his body.
16- We broke the ice which held our relations in a paralysing grip.
17- Success depended on taking advantage of the paralysing effect of the bombing.
18- In October 1857, Frederick William IV suffered a paralysing stroke.
19- These arguments have a paralysing effect on Philocleon.
20- Miss T. was put on a ventilator and paralysing drugs were administered.
21- The Earth plea is often seen as threatening , paralysing and polarising.
22- The risk of paralysing an already inefficient parliament is just around the corner .
23- It seems to entail a level of tolerance that can be paralysing .
24- The bullet missed his head but hit his neck, momentarily paralysing him.
25- India’s economy benefited from an end to paralysing strikes and political disorder.
26- And think that has become very problematic, and it has become very paralysing .
27- He can also freeze all the liquids inside one’s body paralysing him.
28- Symptoms from the mental-emotional sphere included a paralysing fear of heights and death.
29- It achieved the worst of all worlds, paralysing the empire without liberating new forces.
30- In the British view, this would be achieved by paralysing the German economy.
31- The protesters also blockaded the Council of Ministers in Kiev, paralysing the government.
32- And then Frye began to scream, the sound of it paralysing everyone with fright again.
33- In the middle of January 1941 the winter hit Greece with full force paralysing movements and operations.
34- That is, by the pressures of bourgeois society outside the proletariat by paralysing conventions and myths.
35- Though, personally, she felt as if someone had injected her brain with a paralysing solution.
36- Challenge – Resilient people view a difficulty as a challenge, not as a paralysing event.
37- Libertarianism may be fine, until it turns into its opposite, a paralysing chaos all round.
38- It was a paralysing experience; people used to stop in the street and stare at me.
39- After paralysing them, she amputates their legs to make the job of transport a little easier.
40- Snake venoms have different effects, some simply weakening or disorienting, others paralysing or killing the prey. He said in April 2000 that someone had tried to poison him with a paralysing liquid that was injected into his clothes.
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