paralyses in a sentence

Use ‘paralyses’ in a sentence | ‘paralyses’ example sentences

1- A stake through the heart merely paralyses them.

2- What paralyses life is failure to believe and failure to dare .

3- It paralyses the body but leaves the mind completely unaffected.

4- Sir Joshua’s theory limits nature and paralyses art.

5- Stramonium is a remedy of intense fear which paralyses the victim.

6- In Lebanon, a patchwork quilt of religious loyalties paralyses the State.

7- She paralyses it with a sting and lays her egg on it.

8- The toxin rapidly paralyses the fish, which the cone snail then swallows.

9- In of itself, information… potentially infinite in amount, ultimately only paralyses the mind and heart.

10- Bas-ket is able to escape with the crown, but Set catches the Mummy and paralyses him.

11- Fear paralyses his will.

12- The drug paralyses and kills the microfilariae causing fever, itching, and possibly oedema, arthritis and lymphadenopathy.

13- Eddie then paralyses Drake with Dark Light training given to him while Drake was a prisoner of the Styx.

14- Exile embodies an interior winter of existence which paralyses , transforming any attempt to articulate this state into incomprehensible bleating.

15- Government has to own responsibility for investigating and diagnosing not just polio, but all paralyses of childhood. 6.

16- No paralyses or other serious adverse events after OPV or IPV were reported at the 4-6 week visit.

17- Only independence can free the French Canadian man from the inferiority complex which paralyses his will and undermine his action.

18- Despite advances in diagnostic technology, physicians are unable to detect the cause in about half of all vocal fold paralyses .

19- Satanas paralyses Phillipe with the poisoned pin in his glove and leaves a bomb in a top hat to kill him off.

20- The spider has fangs on the ends of its jaws and with these it paralyses the prey by injecting it with poisons.

21- Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (BTI), otherwise known as serotype H-14 of B. thuringiensis , is a spore-forming bacterium that produces a crystal of toxic protein which paralyses the mouthparts and gut and destroys the gut epithelium of any mosquito larva that ingests it.

22- The addiction to drugs and alcohol is such a ruthless habit that if once it sets into a Lasix Water Pill paralyses it and will also be there to end the life of an individual if not taken proper care for.

23- But inversion becomes extraordinarily useful in the service of the censorship, for it effects, in the material to be represented, a degree of distortion which at first simply paralyses our understanding of the dream.

24- The choice of the cobra ensured a rapid death, as the venom paralyses the nervous system, leading to paralysis of the muscles of respiration.

25- Despite a sudden rainfall, which usually paralyses public life in Muscat, the students worked hard and met as many interview partners as possible.

26- When that feeling is sufficiently acute, a feeling of insecurity paralyses and disorganizes the inhabitants of a neighbourhood and determines the breakdown of informal controls, e.g. family control.

27- Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

28- After studying historical texts and consulting with toxicologists, the historian concluded that the asp could not have caused a slow and pain-free death, since the asp ( Egyptian cobra ) venom paralyses parts of the body, starting with the eyes, before causing death.

29- If, however, it’s absorbed by osmosis through the skin, it simply paralyses in a death-like state for anything between a few hours and a few days, depending on the dosage.

30- Not only is the oppressor making enormous profits from liquor but it also totally immobilizes and paralyses the critical faculties of the oppressed”.

31- Later episodes such as “The Cat with Ten Lives” show the aliens using other weapons, such as a small device that paralyses victims.

32- As soon as she finds one she paralyses it, using her long sting as though it were a hypodermic syringe loaded with anaesthetic.

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