paragons in a sentence

Use ‘paragons’ in a sentence | ‘paragons’ example sentences

1- The royal family could be relied upon as paragons of etiquette.

2- This continues until all 9 Klaxxi paragons are dead.

3- The Techniques or the paragons or whatever .

4- paragons : Beautifully realised fight, had a blast.

5- I have always been half impressed, half daunted by these paragons .

6- So where are today’s paragons ?

7- But paragons as I wrote it in 2006 will probably stay untouched.

8- I once called you paragons of moderation ; I do so again.

9- I have still not read paragons .

10- While in uniform, members must act as paragons of grace and civility.

11- They are not paragons of theology , spirituality, or any other virtue.

12- In comparison, the supporters of evolutionary theory are paragons of restraint and civility.

13- Pure-minded paragons will read no further.

14- Though they are generally paragons of virtue, one shouldn’t trust them without reserve.

15- Compared with the New York retail giants, they look paragons of banking virtue.

16- The Surge transforms ordinary humans into paragons of beauty, right down to perfect facial symmetry.

17- Big brains of the corporate sector project themselves as paragons of virtue and undertake messianic missions.

18- The evildoers turned paragons bring with them the same abilities they used against the Skylanders.

19- They hug themselves, self-satisfied, imagining they are the paragons of the Zen tradition.

20- Those paragons of modernity – electronics manufacturers – rely for their supplies on some distinctly old-fashioned practices.

21- Adjustable-height coil-overs , stiffer springs, and tweaked alignment turn Mini’s hallmark traits into industry paragons .

22- Fist of Justice is a great way to halt one Blood before it reaches the paragons . .

23- The nation-wide number of these paragons for the Marxist future was a mere 8,641 even by 1924.

24- The order in which the paragons engage your raid (including the initial 3 paragons) is fixed.

25- The order in which the paragons engage your raid (including the initial 3 paragons ) is fixed.

26- And just as stupid to imply that slower, more controlled media are paragons of accuracy and careful thinking.

27- Which actually brings me to a short diversion on the third NaNoWriMo novel that I wrote, paragons .

28- Wolfsbane, in addition to mentoring the paragons , is a teaching assistant in Beast’s science class.

29- WE – the almighty paragons of remarkable excellence, are on the verge of being finished, second rate.

30- Now, pray tell, what other so-called paragons of Open Source virtue does that remind you of?

31- You would think you would think from this that Tory M Ps were all paragons of virtue.

32- RWC defended their format on the dangerous premise that aspiring World Cup Sevens sides should be paragons of fitness.

33- Even the education of Adelaide and Theodora, those paragons of judicious training, must have had a beginning.

34- As Steve watches over Sally, she insists that the Regents aren’t the paragons he thinks they are.

35- Owl monkey relationships are paragons of monogamy and co-parenting, with both parents expending lots of effort bringing up baby.

36- Sometimes a fight is just more intensive for tank damage (looking at you, paragons ) than raid damage.

37- For the “Nacionalismo” movement, Rosas and his regime were idealized and portrayed as paragons of governmental virtue.

38- He’s so consumed with physical paragons that he wants to manufacture Enzo’s dolls as a toy master race.

39- Totemic Projection and Capacitor Totem or Earthbind Totem are excellent ways of preventing Blood from reaching the paragons . 388635It does little for them as paragons; it may do a lot for them as powers.

40- The paragons version The song was written by John Holt and originally recorded by The paragons, the vocal trio of which he was a member.

41- In 1970, Jamaican singer John Holt who was the lead vocalist of The paragons became a fan of U-Roy’s technique.

42- Dervishes and paragons can get to Cantha via Kamadan, the port city of Istan, but they cannot be created in Cantha.

43- The school’s works are the paragons of Momoyama period art, and while most schools specialize in one style, medium, or form, the Kanō school excels at two.

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