parabola in a sentence

Use ‘parabola’ in a sentence | ‘parabola’ example sentences

1- This construction method is called the ” parabola method”.

2- The required point is where this line intersects the parabola .

3- Only 3 of the 10 runs were even parabolas .

4- Newton found good agreement between its orbit and a parabola .

5- Although the eccentricity is 1 this is not a parabola .

6- Both parabolas are cut at B and A respectively.

7- This reflective property is the basis of many practical uses of parabolas .

8- The right-hand side of the diagram shows part of this parabola .

9- One of its sides has the curved shape of a parabola .

10- It looks like it might be part of a parabola .

11- At any location of the parabola PM = PF .

12- Let three tangents to a parabola form a triangle.

13- The parabola is an inverse transform of a cardioid.

14- The simplest example in modern language is the area of the parabola .

15- Yet you might take the article on the parabola .

16- That’s only one half of the parabola .

17- Similar methods exist for the parabola and hyperbola.

18- Both ogives and parabolas produce low drag sub-sonic nose shapes.

19- The left-hand side is the value of __FORMULA__ on the parabola .

20- This calculation can be used for a parabola in any orientation.

21- Smoley is a consulting editor to parabola .

22- Her distance-versus-time graph looked like a parabola .

23- If __FORMULA__, the parabola has a maximum point and opens downward.

24- If we draw it, we get a parabola .

25- Such flights normally apply repetitive parabolas up to 30 in one day.

26- He showed that the resulting path of a projectile was a parabola .

27- STEPHANIE: When 9 divides the parabola into two equal parts.

28- Similarly vertical parabolas are of the form where n is an even number.

29- Actually, planes fly in a parabola to make this trick happen.

30- If you throw the stone sideways, it falls in a parabola .

31- A typical flight lasts around two hours, during which 50 parabolas are flown.

32- But the parabola of her impetus was not yet come to rest.

33- Triple Exponential Smoothing is better at handling parabola trends.

34- But that is a routine consequence of the equation of the parabola .

35- One is of a parabola , one is of an ellipse.

36- Several parabolas later, we land.

37- The other 2 expressions involved third and fourth powers, but were both parabolas .

38- The angular properties described above follow immediately from the functional form of the parabolas .

39- The others are the parabola , the circle, and the hyperbola.

40- Distance a locates the focus of the parabola on the x axis. The curved line in the above diagram is the Hardy-Weinberg parabola and represents the state where alleles are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

41- A parabola spun about this axis in three dimensions traces out a shape known as a paraboloid of revolution.

42- Galileo showed that the path of a projectile follows a parabola, a consequence of uniform acceleration due to gravity.

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