paper trail in a sentence

Use ‘paper trail’ in a sentence | ‘paper trail’ example sentences

1- The manual paper trail was eliminated completely.

2- Another channel is needed… yes the paper trail .

3- Nevertheless “Reinhard” still left a paper trail .

4- Checks and credit cards leave a paper trail .

5- Do not make the transfer without a proper paper trail .

6- In simple terms, they lack the proper ” paper trail “.

7- In the current landscape, leaving a proper paper trail is essential.

8- Irregularities in the paper trail implied a collusion.

9- There has to be a paper trail of that money.

10- Basically ensure you have a verified paper trail for your money.

11- Keith has left a paper trail .

12- Recovery can be haunted by paper trails of court and credit records .

13- When evidence was delivered to a warehouse, the archaic paper trail began.

14- No paper trail could be adequately established and Robeson was exhonerated.

15- Because many expenditures are cash transactions and do not leave a paper trail .

16- It’s easy to leave a paper trail with Instant Messaging.

17- It involves creating false paper trails , converting cash into assets by cash purchases.

18- No paper trails …… Happy Government!

19- The repeated messages leave a paper trail in case we ever need it again.

20- But here’s the problem: You have a paperless paper trail .

21- The crooks slipped up, the detective said, leaving a paper trail .

22- No paper trail since you were able to take the check with you.

23- What would your past paper trail tell someone who does not know you?

24- Create a ” paper trail ” so we can justify dismissal of ineffective teachers?

25- A paper trail of his education was swept away in the chaos of war.

26- The absence of such a paper trail leaves voters feeling distrustful of the results.

27- That means there HAS to be a paper trail for signing students out.

28- In this manner, there are no concerns about mismatches and paper trails .

29- This avoids scrutiny by destroying any paper trail that links individual candidates with corporate donors.

30- If every purchase has a paper trail then obviously they are good footprints to track.

31- Or similar educational paper trails from one of the many other emerging experiential learning models.

32- Diebold’s new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes.

33- Invoices also can provide a paper trail to help expose the extent of spying .

34- Never leave a paper trail !

35- Most find a way around the problem without leaving a paper trail , she said.

36- paper trails were dismissed as being complex and expensive during the build-up to the elections.

37- Other firms want a paper trail for every single thing that happens in their firm.

38- Take advantage of new technology to speed things up or to cut the paper trail .

39- The paper trail on this issue is near-perfect (Domhoff, 2005b).

40- For part of your paper trail , look at the lower right corner of Gmail. But the office had created no paper trail for the larger cache of claiMs. A public records request revealed a paper trail, which included a hand written note.

41- To find all the automated payments tied to a credit card, follow the digital paper trail.

42- The paper trail listed the Daily News’ podcasts among the best alternative media outlets in its Best of College Newspapers 2007 poll.

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