panegyrics in a sentence

Use ‘panegyrics’ in a sentence | ‘panegyrics’ example sentences

1- Other classic prose models had less influence on the panegyrics .

2- Who can number the panegyrics composed in its honor?

3- The panegyrics evince a familiarity with prior handbooks of rhetoric.

4- While Hitler stirred the masses, Eckart wrote panegyrics to his friend.

5- Form his retreat he encouraged the confessors and wrote eloquent panegyrics on the martyrs.

6- Folk literature consists of ballads, songs, proverbs, folk tales, and panegyrics .

7- Even the best writers often could not escape composing the official panegyrics on emperors and their achievements.

8- In any case, the other panegyrics in the collection vary widely from Menander’s schema.

9- panegyrics came to form part of the vocabulary through which citizens could discuss notions of “authority”.

10- Another poet from the King’s circle was StanisÅ‚aw Trembecki, noted also for his panegyrics .

11- It is echoed thirty-six times in the collection, across nine or ten of the eleven late panegyrics .

12- The religious works contain involved philosophical speculations, and the panegyrics to Constantius are formulaic and elaborate in style.

13- Other panegyrics were written about Rabbi Obadiah di Bertinoro (c. 1445-1515) and Maimonides.

14- Graziani wrote epic poems, politic writings, panegyrics , epithalamus, laudatory and love sonnets, feasts and tourney relations.

15- The treatise was composed about 382, when John was a deacon, and forms part of Chrysostom’s corpus of panegyrics .

16- Claudius Mamertinus, the author of two panegyrics in honor of the emperor Maximian; the surname “Mamertinus” is uncertain.

17- Likewise, Laqueur contended that Carr excelled at irony, and that writing panegyrics to the Soviet Union was not his forte.

18- His generosity, sometimes ostentatious, led some poets of his time (such as al-Buhturî and al-Rûmî) to write of him very elegant panegyrics , which still survive.

19- So a German satellite station could, while conforming to EC law, beam Cognac advertisements into Britain, which Britain’s whisky manufacturers would be unable to counter with domestic panegyrics on the pleasures of the malt.

20- Didactic poems, panegyrics and elegies for Ahle Bayt (‘a) is good poetry Thus we now know what condemned poet and poetry mean?

21- The argument, although thought-provoking, was not watertight; panegyrics are not noted for their chronological reliability – and besides there could have been more than one battle against the Alamans.

22- At the end of the century the Franks appear in the Latin panegyrics as a maritime people, causing trouble in the Channel.

23- In addition, Fortunatus’s panegyrics are a revival, if not a continuation, of the form in which Sidonius had excelled.

24- Granted his education and career it is not surprising that Sidonius, both in his panegyrics and also in his letter-collection, was able to see the last days of the imperial court within a traditional perspective.

25- Sidonius’s writings are verse panegyrics addressed to emperors, and letters: both literary forms which tend to emphasize the traditional values of the senatorial aristocracy and imperial court.

26- Some of al-ḌāhirÄ«’s poems are panegyrics influenced by the Arabic “madiḥ”, in praise of great Jewish scholars, such as Rabbeinu Yerucham (1290-1350), a Provençal rabbi who moved to Spain in 1306, following the expulsion of the Jews from France.

27- The ensuing confusion among many Soviet citizens, bred on the panegyrics and permanent praise of the “genius” of Stalin, was especially apparent in the Georgian SSR, Stalin’s homeland, where the days of protests and rioting ended with the Soviet army crackdown on March 9, 1956.

28- Written in the Dutch language, it contains artist biographies and panegyrics with engraved portraits of 16th- and 17th-century artists, predominantly from the Southern Netherlands.

29- During his nine years at Aleppo, al-Mutanabbi wrote 22 major panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla, which, according to the Arabist Margaret Larkin, “demonstrated a measure of real affection mixed with the conventional praise of premodern Arabic poetry.

30- The “Homeric Hymn to Apollo” (the first part of which may date to the 7th century BC) alludes to Ionian panegyrics (which included athletic competitions, songs and dances).

31- The growing political clout of the Hoysalas attracted many bards and scholars to their court, who in turn wrote panegyrics on their patrons.

32- Some of Saadi’s most famous panegyrics were composed as a gesture of gratitude in praise of the ruling house and placed at the beginning of his “Bustan”.

33- Indeed, because panegyrics and public ceremony were such a prominent part of imperial display, they, and not the emperor’s more substantiative legislative or military achievements, became the emperor’s “vital essence” in the public eye.

34- The panegyrics held it as a matter of fact that the appearance of an emperor was directly responsible for bringing security and beneficence.

35- The panegyrics exemplify the culture of imperial “praesentia”, or “presence”, also encapsulated in the imperial ceremony of “adventus”, or “arrival”.

36- Sallust’s “Bellum Catilinae” is echoed in the panegyrics 10 and 12, and his “Jugurthine War” in 6, 5, and 12.

37- Pliny’s “Panegyricus” model is familiar to the authors of panegyrics 5, 6, 7, 11, and especially 10, in which there are several verbal likenesses.

38- Of these, the panegyrists were especially fond of the “Pro Marcello”; across eight panegyrics there are more than twelve allusions to the work. Who can number the panegyrics composed in its honor?

39- In 1595 “Poemata, a collection of Latin panegyrics, elegies and epigrams”, was published, winning him a considerable reputation.

40- Laqueur, p. 234 Likewise, Laqueur contended that Carr excelled at irony, and that writing panegyrics to the Soviet Union was not his forte.

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