pails in a sentence

Use ‘pails’ in a sentence | ‘pails’ example sentences

1- There were monthly pails of bloody white rags soaking.

2- Milk pails and other equipment were usually dirty.

3- These pails contain about 45 pounds of product.

4- Thomas and John fetched pails while the women went indoors.

5- All of our “bulk” foods are in pails .

6- We passengers had to seat on pails of straw.

7- pails were emptied from upper windows, making their way hazardous.

8- How about fire pails , like the old days?

9- He worked with horse drawn sleighs and metal pails .

10- This is carried home in pails to drink or wash or cook.

11- A desiccant is added, but the pails are not purged.

12- Cartons and pails will vary by geographic region.

13- This election was won by people that carry lunch pails to work.

14- Some of the ingredients were mixed on site with plastic HDPE pails .

15- Four more pails of this adhesive probably would have cost about $ 900.

16- First, have the hoddy mix about five pails of basecoat.

17- My horse only got complete feed that I kept sealed in plastic garbage pails .

18- The roof leaks so badly that garbage pails are set up to collect rainwater .

19- We would pack up with pails , insect repellent, and food.

20- Among the most uninsured of his pails was one developing the cold war.

21- Purchased bulk food is in “super pails ” which are already mylar sealed.

22- Be aware that most companies continue to package oils in food-grade white pails .

23- He used four pails , each supported on a nonconductive pad inside the next.

24- Life clangs and swings and scrapes with all these buckets and pails .

25- I am so thankful for the Sunbutter Spread in the 5 pound pails .

26- Human excrement was stored in pails in buildings and then dumped into the streets.

27- I felt like I was carrying bags of sand and returning them in pails full.

28- There were iron pails of sheep’s heads in the kitchen for boiling into broth.

29- Thanks for the timely shipment of the six pails of Deck & Shake sealer.

30- pails and shovels, rafts and innertubes.

31- Oswald alone carried three pails .

32- The hand or foot acts like a conductor between the positively- and negatively-charged pails .

33- He got it, with Mrs. Honeysett’s help–two brimming pails full.

34- It does not cover cleaning and sanitizing the equipment or collecting and returning empty milk pails .

35- Surface paints on the wooden handles of the tops and pails contain excessive levels of lead .

36- Empty or dispose of pails , cans, flower pots, or similar water-holding containers.

37- The men wore a yoke with two pails which would be emptied into the cart.

38- In 1916 Yellow Grass purchased galvanized sanitary pails to be used in a sewage collection service.

39- I will also be ordering a pallet of 5 gallon pails in about a month.

40- FEMA’s failed Katrina response pails by comparison to this public health liability and vaccine-injury certainty. pails were collected between 7 am and 5.30 pm.

41- Kümbdchen got the schoolhouse, a herdsman’s house, a fire pump with 200 fire pails and all lands as specified on an attached map.

42- This combined recycling and retail center allowed for more efficient processing of the paint, and packaging into more marketable 5-gallon pails.

43- Household appliances such as water tubs, sap buckets, butter churns, milk pails, and drinking or ladling mugs called piggins, reflected the extensive reach of a coopers’ trade.

44- pails beat him 41-31 on the Kramer-Riggs tour, but that was when Segoo was still learning how to play fast surfaces.

45- Color Sorting Annually, Metro handles about 270,000 liquid gallons of latex paint received in about 525,000 pails and cans.

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