not able to see the forest for the trees in a sentence

Use “see the forest for the trees” in a sentence | “see the forest for the trees” example sentences

1- Can you ever really see the forest for the trees ?

2- the adage about not seeing the forest for the trees comes to mind.

3- Mark Wahlberg Ever hear the expression , “not seeing the forest for the trees ?

4- Cynthia can’t see the forest for the trees : that’s her major problem.

5- the lack of reading comprehension and a resulting failure to see the forest for the trees .

6- Beginners don’t see the forest for the trees , and almost everybody makes the same mistakes.

7- Try to see the forest for the trees and move beyond the bombast and ad hominem attacks.

8- I cannot ” see the forest for the trees .” I was hyperlexic as a child.

9- the average person is so compartmentalized in their mind that they can’t see the forest for the trees .

10- When you’re wrapped up in red tape, you may forget to see the forest for the trees .

11- the fact that Alex Apatoff failed to see the forest for the trees on this one is somewhat distressing .

12- Honestly, we’re so hung up on buzzwords these days we can’t see the forest for the trees !

13- So many things were happening in the 60s that sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees .

14- Both the Gatewood Cape and the Sublite Sil appeal- but I can’t see the forest for the trees – help.

15- If overseas production is the key reason you people are bashing Nike, you can’t see the forest for the trees .

16- I have to laugh because the people so willing to make excuses for her can’t see the forest for the trees .

17- It’s why I think that almost every artistic critic in mainstream journalism sucks, because they have gotten so embroiled in the marketing side of their industry that they can no longer see the forest for the trees .

18- They were so engrossed with questions of efficiency that they could not see the forest for the trees ; administrative paternalism had become so ingrained that they tended to look upon their wards as helpless souls who would succumb to every peril if freed from restraint.

19- Robert, the expression “can’t see the forest for the trees ” means that you can’t see the big picture because you’re getting lost in the emotional details.

20- WW, Have you ever heard the expression: “He can’t see the forest for the trees ?” That is the problem.

21- Is it possible to see the forest for the trees when the very notion that a forest is different than a stand of trees isn’t considered?

22- Those are important.” Is that because she’s mired in her work and can’t see the forest for the trees ?

23- the danger of this position is narrowness of effort through inability to see the forest for the trees ; its great virtue can be mastery of detail, and the ability to bring large ventures into being from small, sound beginnings.

24- This song is right there with the rest of the real artists that are waking up and seeing the forest for the trees .

25- Unfortunately in their zest to expose the many people in the world truly just out to separate people in dire medical need of their dollars, sometimes they can’t see the forest for the trees .

26- This bloats the list of fixes we (apparently) need to apply before the next beta, making it hard to see the forest for the trees .

27- Your group can’t see the forest for the trees because it began its search by concentrating on the trees, a search that is still being hindered by this shortsighted perspective.

28- I don’t mean to be crude, but I just want to wake you up a little because you can’t see the forest for the trees .

29- I don’t want to get us lost where we don’t see the forest for the trees , but at the same time I don’t want you to miss too many of the glorious details that are found in this mighty prayer of praise–and there’s a reason.

30- Today, there are so many books available on the subject, some more advanced than others, often with conflicting messages, that it is difficult to see the forest for the trees , as they say.

31- Rather than regarding realists as pessimists, negativists, poor team players or turncoats, the organization could give credit to those individuals who can see the forest for the trees .

32- A model is a story that has just enough detail to help you understand whatever it’s trying to explain but not so much detail that you can’t see the forest for the trees .

33- the local style focuses on more specific and concrete problems, in extreme case they “can’t see the forest for the trees “.

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