nest in a sentence

nest meaning:

n.) The bed or receptacle prepared by a bird for holding her eggs and for hatching and rearing her young.

n.) the place in which the eggs of other animals, as insects, turtles, etc., are laid and hatched;

v. to place within one another.

nest sentence:

The bird befouled its own nest.

He smoked the bees out of their nest.

The owl seems to have deserted its nest.

The blackbird’s nest contained four eggs.

She carefully watched the bird in the nest.

They say eagles used to nest in those rocks.

The swallows nested under the eaves.

Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.

Robins build nests almost anywhere.

It is in the nature of birds to fly and build nests.

The cuckoo lays her egg in another bird’s nest.

A family of mice had made their nest in the roof.

The male and female take turns to sit on the nest.

In May the females build a nest and lay their eggs.

Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.

His letter to the papers stirred up a real hornet’s nest.

A rat took the egg while the mother was away from the nest.

His criticisms of the president stirred up a hornet’s nest.

Two ants came out and took the grasshopper into their nest.

Pointing upwards, he indicated a large nest high in the tree.

The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house.

The bird’s nest is vulnerable to the slightest whim of the weather.

The blackbird’s nest contained four eggs.

Birds make a nest in the springtime to raise their babies in.

Hersh’s book stirred up a hornet’s nest in the media.

This area of the law is a veritable mare’s nest.

He had a rapacious appetite for bird’s nest soup.

The birds built their nest in the small fir tree.

The youngsters hunker down at the bottom of the nest, hiding until mom mealtimes.

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