neighbouring tribe in a sentence

Use ‘neighbouring tribe’ in a sentence | ‘neighbouring tribe’ example sentences

1- First Nations routinely captured slaves from neighbouring tribes .

2- The Aztecs were constantly at war with neighbouring tribes and groups.

3- The name was given to them by neighbouring tribes as a nickname.

4- The sub-tribes are probably the result of inter-tribe marriages with the neighbouring tribes .

5- By his teens, his daring raids against neighbouring tribes have already impressed the Mongols.

6- Moreover, expansion of these nations often occurred by conquest of neighbouring tribes or nations.

7- In most parts of Simbu, neighbouring tribes have often fought wars to settle scores.

8- It was the language of a neighbouring tribe of the original tribe of the empire.

9- Pagania was given its name because of their paganism, when neighbouring tribes were Christian.

10- Even if the race-track owners lose their bid, neighbouring tribes will get the machines too.

11- Sabah diplomacy may have also been important with neighbouring tribes , especially as Bani Khalid power declined.

12- The response to crime committed by neighbouring tribes or communities included formal apology, compensation or blood feuds.

13- The Vascones (to become the Basques) included neighbouring tribes as of the 7th century.

14- Malakand, and the adjacent posts, and of operating against the neighbouring tribes as may be required.

15- A much greater force acting to end the Baka’s traditional lifestyle is intermarriage and assimilation into neighbouring tribes .

16- Allying themselves with neighbouring tribes , the Nez Perce thwarted Blackfoot aggression in a period of desperate warfare.

17- They overthrew the Aztec civilization by allying with natives who had been subjugated by more powerful neighbouring tribes and kingdoms.

18- Excavations reveal several layers, suggesting that the place was attacked by neighbouring tribes and suffered a number of natural disasters.

19- In return, the ally would promise to refrain from raiding imperial territory, and prevent neighbouring tribes from doing the same.

20- They are also keep cattle and this has led clashes with the neighbouring tribes , mainly the Maasai, over cattle rustling.

21- The successful invasion under the Emperor Claudius took place in AD 43, but it was not until c. AD 75 that the Silures and their neighbouring tribe , the Ordovices, were finally overcome by the Governor Julius Frontinus.

22- But they never gave in to the pressure from their neighbouring tribes , who could not stand and watch the increasing strength of Islam.

23- Homeland of the Nez Perce and the neighbouring tribes of the Shahaptian (H) and Salish (A) families that shared their Plateau culture.

24- The task was once again fraught with danger, and in fact they had to abandon it a few miles short of completing the route because the Indians would not cross the warpath of a neighbouring tribe .

25- First he was to see off the military challenges by neighbouring tribes which seemed always to flare up at the accession of anew monarch.

26- Some of the episodes and dialogue are intentionally comic – as when the son helps a friendly local chief to shake off some warriors from a neighbouring tribe by bringing down a swarm of bees on them.

27- The names of their leaders and their tribes for the most part appear to have Celtic origins, which is in fact also true of the neighbouring tribes across the Rhine in “Germania” at that time, such the Tencteri and Usipetes.

28- He also led the fight against the invaders from neighbouring tribes in order to protect Zam Chaudhwan (the only drinking water and irrigation source to Chaudhwan).

29- They were tired of the high death toll resulting from bloody fights with neighbouring tribes for the sake of survival, water and lands.

30- The Zaians were now contained within a triangle formed by the Oum er Rbia River, the Serrou River and the Atlas Mountains, and were already in dispute with neighbouring tribes over the best wintering land.

31- The neighbouring tribes are Bari to the east, Nyangwara to the north, Kakwa to the south, Mundu to the west, and Avukaya to the northwest.

32- For protection against the attacks of the Free Dacians (Dacians that lived outside Roman rule), Carpians and other neighbouring tribes , the Romans built forts and delimited the Roman held territory with a limes.

33- Msiri, like many African chiefs, had started as a slave trader, and had used superior weapons obtained by trading ivory, copper and slaves, to conquer and subjugate neighbouring tribes , taking many of them as slaves for resale.

34- The general attitude of neighbouring agro-pastoralists towards the Hadza was prejudicial; they viewed them as backwards, not possessing a “real language”, and made up of the dispossessed of neighbouring tribes that had fled into the forest out of poverty or because they committed a crime.

35- He also has feelings for a young woman from an allied neighbouring tribe named Starfire (Moon Bloodgood), the daughter of the Pathfinder (Russell Means), an elderly chieftain searching for a worthy successor after the next intended Pathfinder has been killed in an avalanche.

36- Many Sinixt continue to live in their traditional territory on the Northern Side of the 49th Parallel, particularly in the Slocan Valley and scattered amongst neighbouring tribes throughout BC, however the Canadian Government declared the Sinixt extinct in 1956.

37- In contrast to the traditional conduct that followed the death of an important rangatira (chief), no attack was made by neighbouring tribes by way of muru (attack made in respect of the death) of Hongi Hika.

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