lower triangular matrix in a sentence

Use ‘lower triangular matrix’ in a sentence | ‘lower triangular matrix’ example sentences

1- The transpose of an upper triangular matrix is a lower triangular matrix and vice versa.

2- However, operations mixing upper and lower triangular matrices do not in general produce triangular matrices.

3- On the other hand the action on “X” is simple to define for lower triangular matrices .

4- An alternative is the LU decomposition which generates upper and lower triangular matrices which are easier to invert.

5- The Crout algorithm is slightly different and constructs a lower triangular matrix and a “unit upper triangular” matrix.

6- It is a lower triangular matrix , reflecting our key assumption with respect to the causal ordering in the model.

7- Identification can be achieved by imposing the normalization that K is a lower triangular matrix and Σ is a diagonal matrix. 7 8 where the functions a (n) and b(n) are given as the solutions to a set of ordinary differential equations (Duffie and Kan (1996), Duffee (2002)).

8- Because the inverse of a lower triangular matrix “L””n” is again a lower triangular matrix, and the multiplication of two lower triangular matrices is again a lower triangular matrix, it follows that “L” is a lower triangular matrix.

9- Because the inverse of a lower triangular matrix “L””n” is again a lower triangular matrix , and the multiplication of two lower triangular matrices is again a lower triangular matrix, it follows that “L” is a lower triangular matrix.

10- Because the inverse of a lower triangular matrix “L””n” is again a lower triangular matrix, and the multiplication of two lower triangular matrices is again a lower triangular matrix, it follows that “L” is a lower triangular matrix.

11- Because the inverse of a lower triangular matrix “L””n” is again a lower triangular matrix, and the multiplication of two lower triangular matrices is again a lower triangular matrix , it follows that “L” is a lower triangular matrix.

12- Because the inverse of a lower triangular matrix “L””n” is again a lower triangular matrix, and the multiplication of two lower triangular matrices is again a lower triangular matrix, it follows that “L” is a lower triangular matrix .

13- The Doolittle algorithm does the elimination column by column starting from the left, by multiplying “A” to the left with atomic lower triangular matrices .

14- For example, we can conveniently require the lower triangular matrix “L” to be a unit triangular matrix (i.e. set all the entries of its main diagonal to ones).

15- In numerical analysis, LU decomposition (where ‘LU’ stands for ‘Lower Upper’, and also called LU factorization) factors a matrix as the product of a lower triangular matrix and an upper triangular matrix.

16- SL(2,C), the complexification of SU(2), also acts by Möbius transformations and the stabiliser of 0 is the subgroup “B” of lower triangular matrices .

17- The process is so called because for lower triangular matrices , one first computes __FORMULA__, then substitutes that “forward” into the “next” equation to solve for __FORMULA__, and repeats through to __FORMULA__.

18- A matrix equation in the form __FORMULA__ or __FORMULA__ is very easy to solve by an iterative process called forward substitution for lower triangular matrices and analogously back substitution for upper triangular matrices.

19- The group of invertible lower triangular matrices is such a subgroup, since it is the stabilizer of the standard flag associated to the standard basis in reverse order.

20- For instance, the sum of an upper and a lower triangular matrix can be any matrix; the product of a lower triangular with an upper triangular matrix is not necessarily triangular either.

21- All these results hold if “upper triangular” is replaced by “lower triangular” throughout; in particular the lower triangular matrices also form a Lie algebra.

22- The variable “L” (standing for lower or left) is commonly used to represent a lower triangular matrix , while the variable “U” (standing for upper) or “R” (standing for right) is commonly used for upper triangular matrix.

23- Explicit methods have a strictly lower triangular matrix “A”, which implies that det(“I” − “zA”) = 1 and that the stability function is a polynomial.

24- The Cholesky decomposition is unique when A is positive definite; there is only one lower triangular matrix L with strictly positive diagonal entries such that A = LL*.

25- In linear algebra, the Cholesky decomposition or Cholesky factorization is a decomposition of a Hermitian, positive-definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose, useful for efficient numerical solutions and Monte Carlo simulations.

26- We may therefore use Choleski’s method (see 2.4.2) to find a lower triangular matrix L such that &formula;, and may then evaluate &formula;, accordingly the equation &formula; may be written &formula; and S is symmetric and pos. def.

27- It is a straightforward process, readily programmed for a computer, to resolve a matrix A into the product L1R1 where L1 is a lower triangular matrix having units in its diagonal, and R1 is an upper triangular matrix.

28- For example, if R = (Rij) is the reciprocal of a lower triangular matrix L then &formula; where a, b, c,… must be nonzero; otherwise &formula; and R does not exist.

29- So an atomic lower triangular matrix is of the form

30- and the subgroup of lower triangular matrices

31- is called a lower triangular matrix or left triangular matrix, and analogously a matrix of the form

32- Its inverse conjugates “B” into the Borel subgroup of lower triangular matrices in “G”C.

33- In the lower triangular matrix all elements above the diagonal are zero, in the upper triangular matrix, all the elements below

34- lower triangular matrix

35- After “n” steps, we get A(“n”+1) = I. Hence, the lower triangular matrix “L” we are looking for is calculated as

36- where L is a lower triangular matrix with real and positive diagonal entries, and L* denotes the conjugate transpose of L. Every Hermitian positive-definite matrix (and thus also every real-valued symmetric positive-definite matrix) has a unique Cholesky decomposition.

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