lost tribe in a sentence

Use ‘lost tribe’ in a sentence | ‘lost tribe’ example sentences

1- Also connections to lost tribes of Israel.

2- These are the second and third generations of a lost tribe .

3- How did the Ten lost tribes become lost?

4- Some groups that have only recently been accepted as parts of lost tribes .

5- Recall that Peter’s commission was to the lost tribes of Israel.

6- Talk about lost tribes – we could form a thousand of them.

7- Antiope’s descendants became the lost tribe of Amazons.

8- According to Anglo-Israel, the ten lost tribes migrated to the European continent.

9- Nostalgia for a lost tribe of angels administering mustard plasters obscures the root problem .

10- But Peter and the other eleven were commissioned to go to the lost tribes .

11- The lost tribe of Israel?

12- This is one reason debate raged over whether the American Indians were the lost tribes of Israel.

13- In the text the author calls the Messiah ben Joseph the future leader of the ten lost tribes .

14- The original apostles who had served this area of the lost tribes of Israel were Philip and Andrew.

15- The myth about Pashtuns being from the lost tribes of Israel has never been substantiated through concrete historical evidence.

16- Kalash: The lost tribe of Alexander the Great – a possible continuous Hellenic Polytheistic tradition.

17- Peter Hennessy has called the old G and G ‘the lost tribe of British public life’.

18- The only resemblance is in the fact that both profess to set forth the history of the lost tribes .

19- Other claims of lost tribe status or other Jewish origin, have not yet been accepted by normative Jews.

20- Some Israeli and Jewish scholars consider these Ethiopian Jews as a historical ” lost tribe of Israel”.

21- Thus the “ten years of the lost tribes .” Judah believed all of Israel was done away with.

22- They know no racism, although many consider Antiope’s lost tribe of Amazons as little more than savages.

23- In a general-interest magazine, a 1970 article described the Cajans as the ” lost tribe of Alabama”.

24- In the possession of a dagger once belonging to a lost tribe of Amazons, she cut herself on it.

25- Zushin: The lost tribe , and the only tribe that can communicate with the Hub and override the system. Kesh Kesh is located in Wild Space and is the homeworld of both the Keshiri species and the lost tribe of Sith.

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