loan portfolio in a sentence

Use “loan portfolio” in a sentence | “loan portfolio” example sentences

1- Contract to service the picture financial secured loan portfolio .

2- The student loan portfolio is quite important for the company.

3- Half of the bank assets consisted of loan portfolio .

4- About 41 percent of beneficiaries of the loan portfolio were women.

5- It has a loan portfolio of around6,200 crore.

6- Payday loan debt portfolios , reganomics foreign debts.

7- Introduction Agricultural loans are an important component of many community bank loan portfolios .

8- Most banking contacts continued to report steady improvement in credit quality and loan portfolios .

9- Prudential’s high-quality loan portfolio and technology was key to this acquisition.

10- Banks typically avoid this risk by not marking to market their loan portfolios .

11- It operates an active loan portfolio , and has never had a bad debt.

12- Ratios on its loan portfolios among all banks in puerto rico.

13- Are you seeing any stress on your mid-corporate and SME loan portfolios ?

14- loan portfolio : Increased 23.4 percent to AZN 5.5 billion.

15- Virgin Islands-based Altisource Residential acquires single-family properties by buying distressed mortgage loan portfolios .

16- General Real estate loans are part of the loan portfolios of almost all commercial banks.

17- loan portfolio contained bill discounted.

18- As a result of these weaknesses, payday loan portfolios should be classified Substandard.

19- During 2007, we conformed our reserving methodology in our residential mortgage loan portfolios .

20- Much of Midwest’s loan portfolio is the result of buying commercial loans from banks.

21- The Company believes it is also the largest pawn lender in Europe by loan portfolio .

22- Our entire loan portfolio is directed at priority sectors and our recovery rate is 99.5 percent.

23- This tricked shareholders into believing that the company’s loan portfolio was stronger than it was.

24- However , this experience does suggest ways to exchange well-performing energy efficiency loan portfolios for cash.

25- Commercial Real Estate loans These loans comprise a major portion of many banks’ loan portfolios .

26- Delinquency rates were stable or trending down across loan portfolios , with the exception of real estate.

27- And bankers would still have to manage their loan portfolios appropriately and consider the risks of concentrations.

28- However, the ALLL is available to cover all charge-offs that arise from the loan portfolio .

29- On January 1, 2014, the bank’s loan portfolio amounted to over 5 billion AZN.

30- Because i m risk averse, why not just invest solely on a purely high quality loan portfolio .

31- The “Portfolio Yield” measures the average income earned from the field partner’s outstanding loan portfolio .

32- At the end of 2008, the loan portfolio was almost twice as big as that of deposits.

33- In addition, payday loan portfolios are characterized by a marked proportion of obligors whose paying capacity is questionable.

34- AIB, like most Irish financial institutions, has substantial exposure to property developers in their loan portfolio .

35- The agency is a dumping ground for political hacks, and political pull determines much of the loan portfolio .

36- The rise was helped by an improving loan portfolio and a release in its reserves, the bank said.

37- CPI is a commercial product that protects the collateral on credit unions’ loan portfolios against uninsured physical damage exposures.

38- In 1991, approximately 95% of the company’s entire loan portfolio was secured by residential real estate properties.

39- Servicer – An organization that performs administrative tasks necessary to maintain a loan portfolio is called a loan servicing agency.

40- loans The techniques suggested below may be valuable when examiners have cause to suspect possible irregularities involving the loan portfolio .

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