life tenant in a sentence

Use “life tenant” in a sentence | “life tenant” example sentences

1- Under California law the stock dividends were attributed to the life tenant .

2- When all life tenants are dead, the remainderman holds full title.

3- Such a Beneficiary is known as the ‘ life tenant ‘.

4- A life tenant owes certain duties and obligations to the owner of the remainder interest.

5- The life tenant would have to pay the widow her annuity and the other children their portions.

6- This could apply where A is a life tenant under a foreign trust and A was the settlor.

7- Assume that trustees of a non-resident trust lend X, the life tenant , £100,000 interest-free.

8- Transfers into a trust on death would be chargeable unless the life tenant was the spouse of the settlor.

9- In Rhode Island, a fee tail is treated as a life estate with remainder in the life tenant’s children.

10- Thus, on the death of a life tenant , the property passes and inheritance tax becomes payable upon the capital value of the fund in which the deceased held his interest.

11- The trust for sale has the enormous advantage of being available also for trusts of personalty, or of mixed land and personalty, and is also more convenient for creating discretionary trusts, which of course have no life tenant .

12- Capital money was, however, always to be paid, not to the life tenant , but to trustees, who were to hold the money upon the same trusts as those upon which the land had been held.

13- Upon the death of the life tenant , his eldest son, the remainderman, would then be tenant in tail in possession.

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