leaves of tree  in a sentence

Use ‘leaves of tree ‘ in a sentence | ‘leaves of tree ‘ example sentences

1- In addition it fills with the branches and leaves of trees .

2- Grasshopper make huge swarms and eats leaves of trees .

3- The green tree ants of Australia construct their homes from the living leaves of trees .

4- Fowl, prawns, and several leaves of trees are needed for these rituals.

5- The houses in the villages were built mostly of wood, bamboos and leaves of trees .

6- Leaves of trees and shrubs rank at the top of preferred food, followed by herbs and grasses.

7- In order not to sleep, he plugged the leaves of tree and put it on the ground.

8- The healthy and robust leaves of trees withstand the storm well, while older and weakened leaves are severely damaged.

9- Resistance makes growth futile Now a pair of scientists have applied a scaling law arguments to the leaves of trees .

10- The map depicts the concentration of biomass– a measure of the amount of organic carbon–stored in the trunks, limbs, and leaves of trees .

11- The leaves of trees , grasses, and plant roots return direct to the soil or through the guts of grazing or browsing animals.

12- The leaves of trees come in a wide range of shapes and sizes which have evolved in response to environmental pressures including climate and predation.

13- The leaves of trees are widely gathered as fodder for livestock and some can be eaten by humans but they tend to be high in tannins which makes them bitter.

14- The jewellers of the time excelled at handling details and filigrees: thus, the funeral wreaths present very realistic leaves of trees or stalks of wheat.

15- Signs of ecological damage remained even in the early 1880s, evidenced by the presence of rushes among the leaves of trees and bushes.

16- The longer wavelengths reflected by, for example, the leaves of trees in autumn, appear to us as reds and oranges, while the shorter wavelengths which reach our eyes from the ocean we see as greens and blues.

17- Phasmids are herbivorous, feeding mostly on the leaves of trees and shrubs, and a conspicuous component of many neotropical (South American) systems.

18- Originating in Scandinavian mythology, elves are capricious sprites that dance on the grass, or sit in the leaves of trees and bask in the light of the full moon.

19- As the bacterium grows on the leaves of trees and is blown into the atmosphere from them , the planting of forests could have a much greater effect on the Earth’s temperature than the amount of carbon they extract from the atmosphere would indicate.

20- Picture a political candidate who caresses the leaves of trees and pets animals lovingly , as if he or she had a connection with such creatures.

21- But those that came from arid islands and had to crane their necks in order to reach branches of cactus or leaves of trees , had much longer necks and a high peak to the front of their shells that enabled them to stretch their necks almost vertically upwards.

22- When the first giraffes began to stretch their necks to reach the leaves of trees , they were choosing a new habit that would guide the future development of their species over a vast period of time.

23- They walked together along one of Ohtori’s winding paths, with the rising sun scattering its colours below their feet and above their heads into the raindrops beading the leaves of trees and the blades of grass.

24- ” His brother answered that the leaves of trees that were hollow fell while the leaves of trees that were full did not fall.

25- ” His brother answered that the leaves of trees that were hollow fell while the leaves of trees that were full did not fall.

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Related Words:
prefix tree tree agate upper part of the tree hall tree tree leaves tree leaf edible leaves of tree leaves of tree leaves of the tree leaf of tree tree surgeon metrical tree tree planting ceremony monumental tree tree hugger 

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