just talk in a sentence

just talk in a sentence

1- Hi Phil. What a coincidence — we were just talking about you.

2- I tried to explain, but he just talked me down.

3- I was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut in .

4- I’m just talking in the abstract now.

5- She’s just talking a load of old bollocks .

6- The person had ideal to just talk up living.

7- Do not just talk open door policy.

8- She had just talked herself into being cross.

9- Intelligence reports just talked about “local irregular forces”.

10- I was just talking about production models.

11- just talking about problems is not enough.

12- Not just talking through a positive side.

13- It is not just talking about money.

14- This is not just talking about marriage.

15- Sometimes though, there was just talking .

16- Not just talking , but actually flirting.

17- Most were students just talking to each other.

18- just talking to you somehow makes me feel better.

19- We just talked about the debt ceiling business.

20- But can I just talk tactics here?

21- Let’s just talk right now okay?

22- I thought we were just talking about cats .

23- This is a quiet bit, just talk amongst yourselves.

24- You’re just talking to hear yourself talk.

25- Otherwise; just talking , nothing else.

26- I’m not just talking about pop music.

27- We are not embodied souls: we are just talking animals.

28- And she’s not just talking culturally.

29- But Freud was not just talking about orgasm.

30- Later, mother and daughter sat and just talked .

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