job training in a sentence

Use ‘job training’ in a sentence | ‘job training’ example sentences

1- An education program had been established emphasizing job training and literacy.

2- I think more kids need job training .

3- Why should we have 47 different separate job training programs?

4- The grants are intended to support and expand green jobs training .

5- They provide excellent on the job training .

6- She instituted a job training and rehabilitation program.

7- Goodwill also runs life skills and job training classes.

8- And job training opportunities provide the path to good jobs.

9- This grant will provide green job training to 500 people.

10- There was no on the job training .

11- We did this through targeted investments in education and job training .

12- To be used as job training only.

13- On the job training is also called hands on training.

14- Countries seek to improve their workforce through education and job training .

15- Reforms included maternity leave, flexible work schedules and job training .

16- The sorority wanted to operate a job training center for students.

17- VCCF is exploring ways to expand job training .

18- Helping them stay outside involves job training , classes, therapy.

19- Shouse established job training and rehabilitation programs.

20- Attendees will gain access to local job training programs.

21- Besides , the best form of job training is a job.

22- The funds would be used for job training and placement services.

23- Actually, Glover mostly prepared students for job training or hunting.

24- Better access to job training and child care could also help.

25- Some educators were unhappy about the job training orientation of vocational education.

26- job training for a specific job is highly more intelligent and faster.

27- The program also provides parents with job search assistance and job training .

28- The plan was to focus on job training and economic development creation.

29- Besides education, group homes, jobs and job training are provided.

30- job training and career information are also available through eBenefits.

31- job training – off the job, on the job.

32- Brown introduced job training programs and a $11 million drug treatment program.

33- Act means the job training Partnership Act.

34- Counseling, job training and social rehabilitation are also important in treatment.

35- They recruit at elite universities and offer extensive on the job training .

36- Q: Does Community Environmental Center provide green jobs training ?

37- Rockefeller required employable welfare recipients to take available jobs or job training .

38- We want better learning opportunities, better job training , better health care.

39- The government’s job training Programme seeks to tackle the latter.

40- We have done a poor job training them to understand its limitations. Participants receive behavior-modification courses, job training and drug treatment.

41- The program also provides job training opportunities to economically disadvantaged individuals and those dislocated due to business closings and layoffs.

42- During his senior year in high school, Acaba became interested in scuba diving and became a certified scuba diver through a job training program at his school.

43- Advice on individual cases and on-the-job training are also part of the UNHCR training activities.

44- Largely by his efforts, job training for unemployed non- English speaking citizens were included in the “Comprehensive Manpower Act of 1973”.

45- Callicoon is the location of the Delaware Valley Job Corps Center, a job training facility located in the former Saint Joseph’s Seraphic Seminary.

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