investor portfolio in a sentence

Use “investor portfolio” in a sentence | “investor portfolio” example sentences

1- There may be profound implications for investor’s portfolios seeking downside protection.

2- These views refer only to the domestic equity portion of investors’ portfolios .

3- However , these bonds could have a place in even a conservative investor’s retirement portfolio .

4- Investment in hedge funds may provide diversification which can reduce the overall risk of an investor’s portfolio .

5- Consequently , alternative energy investments may only be appropriate for a small portion of an investors overall portfolio .

6- It is not unusual for investors’ portfolios to be “full” of a name like Washington.

7- We believe that somewhere between 10 -20% of an investor’s portfolio can be in speculative securities.

8- The investor’s optimal portfolio is found at the point of tangency of the efficient frontier with the indifference curve.

9- Volatility risk: is the threat that an exchange rate movement poses to an investor’s portfolio in a foreign currency.

10- Both active and passive strategies can have a place in investors’ portfolios as part of a balanced, diversified approach.

11- Fifty-five percent of advisers say it will take as long as three years just for investors’ portfolios to get even again.

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