identical twin in a sentence

Use ‘identical twin’ in a sentence | ‘identical twin’ example sentences

1- A skin graft between identical twins had taken permanently .

2- Why should two identical twins possess different natures?

3- We were identical twins but had totally different personalities.

4- The latter passes the identical twin test.

5- Jason & Jeffrey – are identical twins .

6- Of those , 30% are identical twins .

7- But even identical twins have slightly different fingerprints.

8- Even identical twins can end up being different heights!

9- For example, identical twins look very much alike.

10- Each person has unique chromosomes, unless they are identical twins .

11- Likewise, identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins.

12- She discovers she has a sister–an identical twin .

13- The two men look like identical twins .

14- Sam and Joe were identical twins and did everything together.

15- From one identical twin to just 1 person.

16- For the dummy questioning if they are identical twins .

17- They compared the behavior of identical twins to fraternal twins .

18- identical twins by definition are 100% related.

19- Also , they are NOT identical twins !

20- Her husband responds, “They’re identical twins !

21- The influence of heredity is best studied in genetically identical twins .

22- There is no known genetic link for identical twinning .

23- A perfect HLA match occurs only between identical twins .

24- The only perfect HLA match is between identical twins .

25- Melody and Harmony are identical twins who were separated at birth.

26- These are identical twins , who differ on a specific trait.

27- Why is that i’ve got two identical twins .

28- A woman has identical twins and gives them up for adoption.

29- Additional data from studies on identical twins have corroborated these results.

30- identical twins are twins who look exactly alike.

31- We weren’t identical twins , but we were very close.

32- Her identical twin sister Kate has also played for Australia.

33- He is an identical twin , born along his brother Alberto.

34- The identical twins Jason and Simon Briggs both won junior titles.

35- identical twins have the same genetic makeup.

36- One of these is that identical twins are 100% genetically identical.

37- No two people have identical fingerprints, even identical twins .

38- identical twins share 100% of their DNA.

39- I would I would suspect that they were identical twins .

40- Obviously no two people look exactly alike – except identical twins . I have an identical twin.

41- The loss of her identical twin sister would have a profound effect on her artistic life.

42- Sam has an identical twin sister named Melanie.

43- Jeff has an identical twin brother, Jerry Rector, who is also an actor.

44- Once a prince of an unknown country, at the age of eight, he stabbed his identical twin brother, Rasiel, presumably to death.

45- Larry and Barry Larry and Barry are identical twin brothers whose mother, Louisa May, died in childbirth.

46- Richard Dimitri played a dual role as identical twin brothers; Renaldo was one of the Merry Men, while Bertram was the Sheriff’s right-hand man.

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