hotel porter in a sentence

Use “hotel porter” in a sentence | “hotel porter” example sentences

1- The hotel porter will help you.

2- The hotel porter will get you a taxi.

3- The green-coated hotel porter was standing above them.

4- One euro per bag to your hotel porter should make him smile.

5- A tip of small change may be made to a hotel porter .

6- The Tourist Office or your hotel porter can advise you.

7- A hotel porter said he saw people on fire running from the block.

8- She saw the hotel porter preparing to carry her bags from the post chaise.

9- Most of them worked intermittently as hotel kitchen porters , and they slept where they fell.

10- Tell your hotel porter where you wish to go and he will usually know the correct bus.

11- Travel: Low wages, but bags of clout Power and perks keep the hotel porter in business.

12- For a while he lived in Terre Haute, Indiana, where he worked as a hotel porter .

13- Senzaki briefly worked for the Russells and then as a hotel porter , manager and eventually, owner.

14- There is no tradition of tipping somebody who is just providing a service (e.g. a hotel porter ).

15- For other sight-seeing tours, including places of interest outside the city, consult any tourist agency or hotel porter .

16- Currency exchange negotiations for everyone on the ‘open’ market were conducted between the team’s administrator, John Brown, and the hotel’s elderly porter in a lift that went constantly up and down to the top floor until they were concluded.

17- The case was an extreme example of the extent to which hotel porters and concierges – to the detriment of guests – enjoy a much greater influence over the running of a hotel than their status would suggest.

18- The English love affair with Tuscany is so well known that in the last century hotel porters in Siena called all foreigners English, even if they were German or Russian.

19- Max (played by a rather pasty-looking Dirk Bogarde) is an ex-Nazi officer who, in 1957, works as a hotel porter .

20- The warewasher was part of a competition prize won by one of the hotel’s kitchen porters , Bartek Malek, when he became KP of the Year 2013.

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