Use “hot tears” in a sentence | “hot tears” example sentences
1- hot tears ran down her cheeks.
2- I felt the hot tears running down my face.
3- She felt the hot tears bunch in her throat.
4- hot tears still coursed down his cheeks.
5- I weep hot tears of joy.” Something like that.
6- A sprinkling of hot tears fell on to his exploring lips.
7- He cannot forget Koharu and is weeping hot tears .
8- While I cuddled June I cried, wept hot tears .
9- Stewart jumps in, restrains Patrick, who’s crying hot tears .
10- Other possible defects are gas porosity, shrinkage porosity, hot tears , and flow marks.
11- It was only when she was in bed that the hot tears poured down her cheeks.
12- The disadvantage is that its high strength leads to shakeout difficulties and possibly hot tears in the casting.
13- D’Arcy’s grip tightened round her shoulders as he felt her hot tears against his skin.
14- Ah! can’t you see that my heart is breaking?” The hot tears came to his eyes.
15- hot tears filled her eyes and she did not fight them, her face hidden by the darkness in the cabin.
16- Tucker remembered him from his appearance in “Almost Famous” and cast him as the lead singer of hot tears .
17- But when I heard him bounding away on his pony, I buried my face in my arms and cried hot tears .
18- Long he gazed, with a wide, lingering look, while the other sat with bowed head, the hot tears rolling one after another from his eyes, and dripping upon his bosom, for he felt that the time of parting was near at hand.
19- Violet – her hot tears tumbled; she had been crying all the while, since she had first seen the razor and – felt like kissing her.
20- Nisht gut.” (Yiddish: Too hot, not good.) Emotions and thoughts collide within me as hot tears begin to blur my vision.
21- He felt the hot tears welling up behind his eyelids as he recalled the words and Linda’s voice as she repeated them.
22- He tried to sniff back the wetness that had sprung to his eyes, but a few hot tears managed to spill over and course down his burning cheeks.
23- hot tears made her eyes smart, infuriating her still further, and she took a moment or two to try and control a surge of pure emotional misery.
24- In her rage, she leapt up and pummelled at his unresisting chest, hot tears flowing down her flushed cheeks till his cold, emotionless face was a blur.
25- When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money, she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes – that she had always been creative.
Related Words:
weep tears – shed tears – eyes fill with tears – tears run down – tears roll down – tears stream down – bitter tears – hot tears – tear-stained – tear off – tear loose – tear your hair out – in a tearing hurry – that’s torn it – tear a hole in –
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