hot tea in a sentence

Use “hot tea” in a sentence | “hot tea” example sentences

1- We finished with an ice-cream sweet and mugs of hot tea from the samovar on the table.

2- It seems paradoxical to me, but if you drink a cup of hot tea it seems to cool you down.

3- I like hot tea better than cold.

4- He scalded his tongue with the hot tea.

5- We finished with an ice-cream sweet and mugs of hot tea from the samovar on the table.

6- It seems paradoxical to me, but if you drink a cup of hot tea it seems to cool you down.

7- hot tea was served and water were given without being asked.

8- These tents were serving protesters with hot tea .

9- I ordered hot tea and the tea bags disappeared too soon.

10- Lemon tea simply contains hot tea with lemon juice and sugar.

11- At night hot tea and piece of bread.

12- At the tent, hot tea and sandwiches are served.

13- For me, the important nourishment was hot tea .

14- They often prefer to drink their hot tea with sugar.

15- I ventured out and tried the hot tea .

16- Instead lets go for hot tea or honey cough drops.

17- hot tea , coffee, beer and wine are usually safe.

18- If hot tea is available, drink two cups of it.

19- You’ll have hot tea all day long.

20- There’s no cold water and no hot tea .

21- Good either as hot tea or iced tea.

22- Frequently drinking scalding hot tea may produce esophageal cancer.

23- Bout ordered a hot tea with lemon.

24- The spoons melt in the hot tea .

25- Guards poured cups of scalding hot tea over his head.

26- My mom and I came up with some hot tea mixes.

27- Pour on the hot tea and stir in the fruits.

28- Taff thrust a mug of very hot tea into my hands.

29- In his left he balanced a glass of scalding hot tea .

30- We sat by the dining-room fire drinking our hot tea .

31- Lydia was in the kitchenette for hot tea and toast .

32- Also , they refilled my hot tea for free.

33- Hubby loves the hot tea , but I do both!

34- The pot must be cleaned up thoroughly and rinsed with hot tea .

35- hot tea with a little sugar.

36- hot tea is the first priority .

37- I am sitting here now very comfortably with a cup of hot tea .

38- Sara sipped her hot tea with its dash of whisky gratefully.

39- To cap off our meal, we drank some hot tea and coffee.

40- Placed it on his bed and began to unsolder hot tea .

41- I am a huge hot tea drinker but it’s usually black tea.

42- Another similar scenario would involve you spilling hot tea on your childs arm.

43- hot coffee may be sometime replaced by hot tea , depending on personal taste.

44- Within moments, the old man appeared, carrying a cup of hot tea .

45- He also threw a knife and hot tea at him and punched him.

46- We sipped on our hot tea around an open campfire by the water.

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taxpayingteateasbeef teaa cup of teaa pot of teadrink teahot teasweet teastrong teaweak teablack teawhite teamilky teahigh tea

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