hospital porter in a sentence

Use “hospital porter” in a sentence | “hospital porter” example sentences

1- For the last two years he has been a hospital porter .

2- This check up shows he’s fully fit to carry out his strenuous lifestyle as a hospital porter .

3- Gary, the hospital porter who’d helped her out and whose friends had treated her so strangely.

4- A hospital porter , Liam Dougan, was charged on Nov. 6 with the murder of the two soldiers.

5- Robotic hospital porters called ‘Helpmates’ are already buzzing around US hospitals, delivering mail, medication and meals.

6- In response to Councillor Mrs J M Munt’s question, it was stated that Buckland hospital had hospital porters on site.

7- It was reminiscent of one of those terrifying cases in which a hospital porter appears in court after donning a white coat, insinuating himself into the operating theatre, and setting to work on an appendix.

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