high-pitched scream in a sentence

Use ‘high-pitched scream’ in a sentence | ‘high-pitched scream’ example sentences

1- There’s always this high-pitched scream going throughout the house.

2- While in the car, the high-pitched screams became louder and more intense.

3- The high-pitched scream of the rooster only momentarily woke me from slumber.

4- Which modulated into a high-pitched scream .

5- She heard a loud, high-pitched scream , which almost drowned his grunt of animal passion when he ejaculated.

6- Her hands were repeatedly clenching and opening, her eyes were blinking rapidly, and from her month came a high-pitched screaming .

7- They can give off a fierce snarl and high-pitched scream , which can be heard at feeding time, to establish dominance.

8- Powerful black locomotives pulling long rust-colored trains to the waterfront were the norm; the heavy chug-chug sound and high-pitched screams of steam locomotives came from all directions, both day and night, seven days a week.

9- Davey Havok of AFI employs screaming, with more of a high-pitched scream in earlier albums and a raspy tone in “Decemberunderground”.

10- Notably in “Bart the Genius”, the famous high-pitched scream of Homer’s when he runs from Marge’s car into the house is absent.

11- In the minutes before it crashed, witnesses heard a number of different engine noises – sometimes operating normally, sometimes all engine noise ceased, only to be replaced by a very loud, high-pitched scream .

12- Recently, before the guest programmers’ timeslot on Saturday mornings, there is a drawn-out and high-pitched scream of “Rage” performed by actress Deni Gordon.

13- Screams are heard as she is attacked; the parents run to her rescue, much to the horror of the mother as she emits a high-pitched scream .

14- Death metal vocals are typically bleak, involving guttural “death growls,” high-pitched screaming , the “death rasp,” and other uncommon techniques.

15- high-pitched screaming is occasionally utilized in death metal, being heard in songs by Death, Exhumed, Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, and Deicide.

16- From Justin to Celine: Five great Canadian moments at the Grammys Add to … Arcade Fire, Month of May , 2011 It was weird, noisy, involved a megaphone and a high-pitched scream , and there were no backup dancers.

17- If there was an immediate danger their call would be even higher – a sharp , high-pitched scream , which was usually accompanied by the slapping of hands on the ground.

18- With a high-pitched scream she leaps backwards over the upturned table, rolling into a ball until she crashes into a nearby wall.

19- * When the firework blows up in Merry and Pippin’s hands the high-pitched scream is actually Billy Boyd who didn’t know the firework was going to explode.

20- ” In response, Ledford pleaded, “I’ll scream if you stop hitting me,” then emitted several high-pitched screams as Norris encouraged her to continue until he ordered her to stop.

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Related Words:
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