head porter in a sentence

Use “head porter” in a sentence | “head porter” example sentences

1- The head porter will have staff ready to handle any luggage.

2- The head porter or head receptionist is usually authorised to sign for registered mail.

3- The head porter or housekeeper usually distributes any mail that arrives for residential staff.

4- Mr Wrigley, the head porter , fixed open the double-glass swing doors.

5- The head porter will check off his or her departure list when luggage is cleared.

6- Some hotels give a luggage clearance pass to the head porter when the account has been settled.

7- Finally, the quantity of guitars compels the head porter , Jim Bobwi, to speak.

8- In 2009, Selwyn became the first Cambridge college to appoint a female head porter , Helen Stephens.

9- Unfortunately, that had to stop when I put an arrow through the bowler hat of the head porter .

10- Once they had a total of 20 receipt tags from at least five different hotels, they could trade them in to the head porter for their next clue.

11- Even eminent judges hold her professorships; some of her chairs are vacated for the Episcopal bench only; and majors and field officers would acquire increased pay by being promoted to the rank of head porter , first menial, in Trinity College.

12- The die grinder is the stock in trade of the head porter and are used with a variety of carbide cutters, grinding wheels and abrasive cartridges.

13- The first set of keys is handed to the guest on arrival and the second set is kept on a duplicate key board under the strict supervision of either the head receptionist or head porter .

14- Master keys, which open all doors, are kept by certain senior members of staff such as the head housekeeper and head porter , and there are usually two keys for every bedroom.

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