hand towel in a sentence

Use ‘hand towel’ in a sentence | ‘hand towel’ example sentences

1- What kind of guy would buy hand towels ?

2- Bath towel and hand towel also supplied.

3- No more hand towels – just cheap paper products.

4- Then after shower realize only have hand towels .

5- To steal the soap and the hand towel .

6- Tea towels, and bath and hand towels are supplied.

7- There were two bath towels, but no hand towels .

8- The hand towel was found in Turkey on our honeymoon.

9- hand towels , you know big hand towels these size look.

10- hand towels, you know big hand towels these size look.

11- You will be supplied with a bath and hand towel .

12- He speaks quietly, mopping his face occasionally with a hand towel .

13- Or shall I simply examine the style and quality of the hand towels ?

14- All bed linen, bath and hand towels , and dish cloths are provided.

15- First editions of the DVD set includes a logo’d hand towel and pin.

16- A bath sheet, bath towel, and hand towel are provided for each guest.

17- In Japanese restaurants, customers are given a rolled hand towel called “oshibori”.

18- When was the last time anybody saw hand towels or soap or a bog roll?

19- So last year, I brought two hand towels , and that was better.

20- Luxury white bed linen, fluffy bath towels, hand towels and bath mats are provided.

21- If everyone’s sick, use paper towels instead of hand towels in the bathroom.

22- Rather than a trash bag , Borden wore a hand towel on his head.

23- Make sure that all bathrooms are well stocked with liquid soap and single-use hand towels .

24- A selection of high quality towels comprising of bath sheet and hand towel are provided per person.

25- Subscribe Now: Watch More: If your hand towels smell like vegetable oil,.

26- There was a large central free-standing oval bath, with small pink and blue hand towels provided.

27- All bed linen and bath and hand towels are provided, but please bring your own beach towels.

28- Would say dont forget your hand towels as we did took every other towel but that one.

29- I bet those guys on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy don’t have hand towels .

30- All bed linen and towels are provided including a bath sheet, bath towel, hand towel per person.

31- If the taps are not lever-type, turn them off using a paper hand towel to prevent contact.

32- She wiped her hands on the hand towel that hung from the side of the oven , sighing.

33- Picking up a hand towel from a nearby chair, she wrapped both of Lizzy’s wrists tightly.

34- Your bed linen will be changed every 4 days and the hand towels will be changed at regular intervals.

35- White cotton bath and hand towels are provided, as well as bath and hand soaps, and toilet rolls.

36- Upon the sudden popularity of the Terrible Towel, Pittsburgh-area department stores sold out all gold and black hand towels .

37- We provide a hand towel , bath towel and a bath sheet per person but please bring your own beach towels.

38- Bath sheet, bath towel and hand towel are provided per person along with complimentary White Company toiletries in each bathroom.

39- A bath sheet, bath towel and hand towel are provided for each guest, together with complimentary White Company toiletries.

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