hall porter in a sentence

Use “hall porter” in a sentence | “hall porter” example sentences

1- There was no hall porter to pick it up.

2- Ever since, the hall porter is always called Ramsbum.

3- The hall porter will direct you.

4- The junior hall porter was guiding Maxim through the crowd by the bar.

5- Their suitcases had been seized by the hall porter and an ageing bell-boy, both avid for Kent cigarettes.

6- The hall porter will be able to organise his or her staff to handle the luggage for departing guests.

7- On arrival the guests are assisted with the luggage by the hall porter , who will escort them to the reception counter.

8- It was presided over by an Egyptian suffragi known as Mo, who was a mixture of hall porter , diplomat, negotiator and general factotum.

9- Very few arrived after half-past ten, most having presented them- selves between the time I first called and the time indicated by the hall porter for me to call again.

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