green tea in a sentence

Use “green tea” in a sentence | “green tea” example sentences

1- Many people have extolled the benefits of green tea , and here is another.

2- He drank too much strong green tea.

3- I don’t care for green tea.

4- Ingredient; Verbena and green tea etc.

5- Some astringency is inherent in tea, but green tea is more astringent than black.

6- Switching from coffee with cream and sugar to plain green tea is a great health and weight loss bargain .

7- Many people have extolled the benefits of green tea , and here is another.

8- He drank too much strong green tea.

9- I don’t care for green tea.

10- Some astringency is inherent in tea, but green tea is more astringent than black.

11- The research showed green tea increased fat oxidation.

12- This was important because nobody sold green tea .

13- The simple answer is by drinking green tea .

14- This green tea is often grown at lower elevations.

15- One reference recommends black or green tea .

16- Omega 3 fish natural oils and natural green tea .

17- green tea has been shown to help decrease cholesterol.

18- green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar levels.

19- These snacks are usually enjoyed with green tea .

20- green tea is served in many companies during afternoon breaks.

21- Remember that green tea does contain caffeine.

22- green tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer 5.

23- So does that mean green tea is useless ?

24- One group of men was given green tea extracts twice daily .

25- green tea or white tea are healthier beverage selections.

26- The province is where green tea was first discovered.

27- green tea is readily available in supermarkets.

28- They provide green tea’s stimulant effects.

29- A very pleasant, refreshing green tea .

30- We drink a lot of green tea .

31- green tea is full of potent antioxidants that help quell inflammation.

32- green tea also keeps the arteries clean.

33- green tea is rapidly gaining popularity in the western world.

34- green tea is a healthy alternative to regular tea.

35- green tea may help regulate glucose in the body.

36- Morocco consumes green tea with mint rather than black tea.

37- Black tea has a longer shelf life than green tea .

38- One expert said the new green tea study was intriguing.

39- It has a subtle flavor of green tea .

40- green tea may even help prevent type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

41- The first being a tropical chi green tea .

42- green tea drinkers were more likely to exercise than others .

43- So by all means continue drinking green tea .

44- He actually liked the taste of green tea !

45- I suggest you stick to drinking green tea .

46- green tea is another ingredient that helps in loss weight.

47- Japanese doctors found out that green tea prevents cancer growth.

48- Finally I am enjoying the fine quality green tea .

49- There are various ways of manufacturing Japanese green tea .

50- Just one amazing example is Chinese green tea .

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milky teahigh teaRich Teatea cosytea shoptea urncream teagreen teatea breaktea caddytea chesttea clothtea gardentea leavestea party

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