give training in a sentence

Use ‘give training’ in a sentence | ‘give training’ example sentences

1- They are given training and scripts designed to keep disgruntled customers.

2- Troy gives training on the different functions of dispatch.

3- A willingness to learn and participant in any given training .

4- An experienced leader will give training in the necessary skills.

5- He has undertaken many manual handling assessments and given training across different industries.

6- This Institute gives training related with all information regarding Air Travel.

7- I planning to start giving training and also a small hobby greenhouse.

8- So we don’t give cash; we give training .

9- Staff with responsibility for student welfare should be given training to acquire counselling skills.

10- In all departments staff who show added ability will be given training and promotion.

11- All users should be given training in proper operating procedures for using the autoclave.

12- I don’t have expectations because I was never given training on the process.

13- At least one person from every family was to be given training for ten days.

14- Unemployed people are given training opportunities in the hope of helping them find work.

15- She also gave training in military tactics, often helping to plan operations against government forces.

16- Students are also given training in developing and managing online communities and understanding content management systems .

17- All staff who have contact with the public should be given training in customer relations.

18- The centre gives training for athletics, basketball, football, volleyball, and gymnastic.

19- White families who have adopted or who are currently fostering black children should be given training .

20- Borman, as commander, was given training on controlling the spacecraft during the re-entry.

21- His decisions are as follows: â–ª 20 employees are given training on the General Elements.

22- If you have a carer, or carers, they will be given training too.

23- Ladies are given training , sewing machines are given to them, medical facilities are also provided.

24- U.S. Army medical staff was also given training on how to provide care while respecting Muslim traditions.

25- The student will be given training in scientific Advanced Body Balancing for many illnesses afflicting humankind.

26- About 25,000 university students will be given training this year by the leadership training under 3 stages.

27- It can now accommodate 302 children who are given training in life skills by 56 professionally trained teachers.

28- The youths of the villages are given training in controlling the straying of tigers into the villages.

29- The US company specialists were also to give training on the use of the new equipment.

30- Students majoring in Geology and Geophysics are given training to develop their oral and written communication skills.

31- The Ozarks school operated to May 1945, giving training to an estimated total of 3,000 students.

32- An instrument instructor rating authorizes a certificated flight instructor to give training and endorsement for an instrument rating.

33- Are the staff who come into direct contact with the public given training in” customer relations’?

34- Training and skill development : All affected families are also given training and skill development while being offered employment.

35- I feel like restaurants should enforce management to do and give trainings to the seriousness of food safety.

36- If she shows some aptitude to learn playing instruments she will be given training by her elder jogatis.

37- This possibility is supported by a study in which surgical patients were given training in guided imagery and relaxation.

38- Nearly 100 karate clubs or schools giving training to Indian expatriate students have a combined strength of 6,000 students .

39- If your job involves using a till, you will be given training in how to operate it.

40- The department gives training to interns, Aganwadi workers and ASHA workers (Asha for Education). U.S. military advisers will give training to all of the troops in the attack force.

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Related Words:
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