fundamental tenet in a sentence

Use “fundamental tenet” in a sentence | “fundamental tenet” example sentences

1- Some fundamental tenets guiding our automation 4.5.

2- This principle is a fundamental tenet of sustainability.

3- It is a fundamental tenet in our society.

4- The Commission ‘s Report challenges fundamental tenets of that style.

5- It violated the fundamental tenets of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage.

6- The Marxism–Leninist worldview promotes atheism as a fundamental tenet .

7- It is a fundamental tenet of capitalism that bad companies need to fail .

8- It breaks one fundamental tenet of a market, which is price discovery.

9- Drug treatment courts challenge the fundamental tenets upon which the War on Drugs rests.

10- A fundamental tenet of lawyer regulation is that professionals should keep their own houses clean .

11- We Buddhists have the Noble Eightfold Path as a fundamental tenet .

12- Historically the MOU was a fundamental tenet in determining Beer Store operating policies.

13- Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are fundamental tenets of any truly democratic country.

14- Deterrence and diplomacy have been the fundamental tenets of Singapore’s military defence policy.

15- Clearly, no one should enter a profession without subscribing to its fundamental tenets .

16- They concluded that Zen ‘s reinterpretations of early Buddhism had obscured its fundamental tenets .

17- Belief in al-Qiyāmah is considered a fundamental tenet of faith by all Muslims.

18- A fundamental tenet of Crow religion was “maxpe”, or “the sacred.

19- Recruiting from the world’s Muslim-majority armies is a fundamental tenet of their call.

20- Humanistic psychology also had major impetus from existentialist psychology and shares many of the fundamental tenets .

21- Bane also adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as fundamental tenets of the Sith.

22- A fundamental tenet of Scientology is that differing points of view must be fully heard and acknowledged.

23- The incompatibility of productive man with the natural world is a fundamental tenet of the environmental movement .

24- It complies with the requirement of background independence, one of the fundamental tenets of quantum gravity.

25- Few Aboriginal languages had words for ‘thank you’; reciprocity was a fundamental tenet of life.

26- It is fundamental tenet of astrology that no planet is either completely benefic or malefic to any native.

27- After World War I, “association” replaced assimilation as the fundamental tenet of the colonial relationships.

28- He had questioned a fundamental tenet of her life, that young women are more attractive than older women.

29- However, a fundamental tenet , that monasteries should be self-supporting, is still maintained by these groups.

30- The Azande’s faith in witchcraft and oracles was quite logical and consistent once some fundamental tenets were accepted.

31- Extras Hautzinger cited that as ” a basic and fundamental tenet of criminal law in the United States.

32- From Stephen Porges fundamental tenet , that all behavior is dependent on physiological state, including states of mind.

33- Amid failure of neopositivism’s fundamental tenets , Hempel in 1965 abandoned verificationism, signaling neopositivism’s demise.

34- A fundamental tenet of Adler’s theory is that human actions are motivated by feelings of inferiority of some kind.

35- The interconnectedness of the personal and political, a fundamental tenet of liberation psychology, is central to black psychology.

36- This is a moving and correct statement of the fundamental tenets of Freemasonry, not only the 18 th degree.

37- The fundamental tenet of Web 2.0, user-generated content, is also the Achilles Heel from a security standpoint.

38- Lubavitchers point out that a belief in the imminent coming of the messiah is a fundamental tenet of Jewish faith.

39- Sarga 11: Rama reveals to Hanuman the fundamental tenets of Yoga and Samkhya philosophies, emphasizing their fundamental unity.

40- This is a complex socio-economic task with many facets and a shockingly simple fundamental tenet : We must produce much more food.

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