flotation tank in a sentence

How to use flotation tank in a sentence

1- Clients wash and shower before entering the flotation tank .

2- flotation tanks or pink noise played through headphones are often employed for this purpose.

3- Hands up how many of you have ever heard of a flotation tank ?

4- A flotation tank may be used to further separate contaminants, based on their different densities.

5- For the ultimate in relaxation, few treatments can beat the experience of a flotation tank .

6- In few of his interviews he mentioned the flotation tank as a tool for enhancing creativity.

7- The flotation tank was developed in 1954 by John C. Lilly, a medical practitioner and neuro-psychiatrist.

8- All right then, how many of your would like to try a session in a flotation tank ?

9- The Raphael Clinic is a member of The flotation tank Association ( ) that guarantees high standards of hygiene and privacy.

10- The difference between a flotation tank and other relaxation techniques is that other methods require effort on the part of the patient.

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