fight against terrorism in a sentence

Use “fight against terrorism” in a sentence | “fight against terrorism” example sentences

1- The fight against terrorism seemed to unite the nation.

2- Public cooperation is vital in the fight against terrorism.

3- Why did he politicize the fight against terrorism?

4- Security checks are only a palliative in the fight against terrorism.

5- The police have been given special powers to help them in the fight against terrorism.

6- Our fight against terrorism continues until the objectives are completely achieved.

7- We committed ourselves to the fight against terrorism .

8- We must remain vigilant in our fight against terrorism .

9- The UAE supports the international fight against terrorism .

10- Democracy is worthy of investment for the fight against terrorism .

11- The Egyptian military is fighting against terrorism ; America fights against terrorism.

12- The Egyptian military is fighting against terrorism; America fights against terrorism .

13- Together we must fight against terrorism .

14- Government agencies are using this technology to classify threats and fight against terrorism .

15- He promised to appoint conservative judges and carry on the fight against terrorism .

16- He said the best weapon in the fight against terrorism is good intelligence.

17- It must isolate any nation that remains neutral in the fight against terrorism .

18- Singapore stands firmly behind the Indian Government in its fight against terrorism “.

19- Bomb-proof cargo holds in aircraft are another vital development in the fight against terrorism .

20- China has offered Pakistan military aid in order to fight against terrorism in Pakistan.

21- It is also a frontline state in the ongoing fight against terrorism and extremism.

22- How would you, as President, lead the global fight against terrorism ?

23- The fight against terrorism is a long-term ideological struggle for the soul of Islam.

24- Is our drone program hurting, or helping, in the fight against terrorism ?

25- THE Duke of York yesterday met front-line troops involved in the fight against terrorism .

26- My Government will continue their fight against terrorism in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

27- Washington would be foolish not to exploit unmanned aircraft in its long fight against terrorism .

28- I believe the fight against terrorism will last as many decades as the Cold War.

29- Australian and Indian law enforcement agencies continue to work together in our common fight against terrorism .

30- The armed forces of the Asia-Pacific are well placed to collaborate in the fight against terrorism .

31- The army believes the new traning centre will help them step up their fight against terrorism .

32- That reflects the policy that the RUC is in the lead in the fight against terrorism .

33- Uganda and Israel renewed their commitment in the fight against terrorism and to work towards humanity.

34- Minister Iswaran noted a robust regime to counter terrorism financing was crucial in the fight against terrorism .

35- Like the Cold War, the fight against terrorism is both an ideological and a geopolitical struggle.

36- The United States wants the fight against terrorism and nuclear proliferation to be included on the agenda.

37- Secular activists say the government uses the fight against terrorism as a reason to silence any criticism.

38- The Indian Government have said that they appreciate our continued close co-operation in the fight against terrorism .

39- After that, the Chechen authorities bear primary responsibility for the fight against terrorism in the Republic.

40- Jordan stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the United States and the international community in our common fight against terrorism .

41- It would risk undermining the fight against terrorism and would be an affront to the Arab world.

42- In July 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev expanded the FSB’s powers in its fight against terrorism .

43- For reasons both moral and strategic , we need to stand with Israel in its fight against terrorism .

44- Attacks such as this one remind us that we must remain fully committed to the fight against terrorism .

45- Xi said China would deploy a “strike-first strategy” in its fight against terrorism , Xinhua said.

Related Words:
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